There goes the Algreba Teacher

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Amara's Pov

Oh.....shut off the racket. I felt for the alarm clock and yawn going back to bed. But then Ship jumps onto my stomach rudely awakening me.

" Ship!" I said, scolding him, but he just barks and licks my face. "Yeah, yeah, I am up. Right today is the field trip. " It has been a week since I came to this horrible boarding school.

I looked in the mirror and sighed at my 12-year-old body. Mentally 16, I think..... physically 12. But I still act like an intelligent 12-year-old who is sent here by my parents, Aka Choas, and balance my education. I met with almost all the teachers here.

One thing is for sure I have my favourite and least favourite teacher here in the school. Mr Brunner is my top favourite, and Latin was fun to learn. Even during that day, we played with a sword. I might have gone wild holding one.

As for my least favourite....the Algebra teacher named Mrs Dodds. She was always cruel to the nice kids and nice to the mean brat, one of them being little miss Nancy....also I think she is suspicious of me for I arrived in the middle of the year. She always picked on the kid Grover, who I later learned from uncle end I told him my findings in my dream talk that he is a sayatr.

He pretended to have muscle problems, but you should have seen him run on Enchilada Day. But I befriended him and the kid I am supposed to help, Percy Jackson. One look at the kid and I know in the future he is going to break hearts.

He was red for some reason?!

Soon we were on the bus, I sat across from Percy and Grover. We chat a lot till little Miss Nancy tosses a piece of peanut butter and ketchup sandwich on the saytar head. Percy looked like he wanted to commit a murder but I placed my hand and shook my head no. he was already on a tight leash.... any outbreak. He will get expelled....why can't some schools have special schools for ADHD and dyslexic kids. He could be better there but no, instead, be here in a school for bad kids.

Well, we arrived at the museum. Let's just say I love history, and history helps me a lot to understand the aliens in my watch and about the world. Saved my butt a few times. Mr Brunner was up front, leading the tour with Miss dodos behind. Yeah, I will call her a dodo. Percy, too, was enjoying the tour, but Nancy snickered about something that ticked him off.

"Will you shut up!" It was loud that everyone heard and laughed. Mr Brunner stops talking and turns to him.

"Mr Jackson," he said, "did you have a comment?"

His face was red. "No, sir."

Mr Brunner pointed to one of the pictures on the stele. "Perhaps you'll tell us what this picture represents?"

He looked at the carving and felt a flush of relief he must know what it was even I know. "That's Kronos eating his kids, right?"

"Yes," Mr Brunner said, obviously not satisfied. "And he did this because . . ."
"Well ...Kronos was the king god, and — "
"God?" Mr Brunner asked.

"Titan," I corrected him which he quickly said before he spoke. "And ... he didn't trust his kids, who were the gods. So, um, Kronos ate them, right? But his wife hid baby Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. And later, when Zeus grew up, he tricked his dad, Kronos, into barfing up his brothers and sisters — "

"Eeew!" said one of the girls behind me.

" — and so there was this big fight between the gods and the Titans," he continued, "and the gods won."

Some snickers came from the group.

Behind me, Nancy Bobofit mumbled to a friend, "Like we're going to use this in real life. Like it's going to say on our job applications, 'Please explain why Kronos ate his kids.'"

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