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I held her all night long

and I feared that the next day

I would forget to hug.

That's when I thought

it would be nice to have her

with me forever.

Tucked in my old blanket;

she shivered in the serene

that filtered through the cracks in the window.

I watched her sleep

and I found it

an exquisite delight.

I felt ecstatic;

as I gazed at her helpless face

and the glow of her breasts

opening space between the ether.

It seemed a lie to me that hours before

I had sailed between her joints

without waste;

as with the freedom of a bird spreading its wings through the air.

Where I discovered its peregrine forms

with the dedication of an archaeologist.

In fact, I thought I was one.

A scientist in wonder;

marveling at its swirling forms,

of her purplish buttocks,

of her distressed intimacy

that almost spoke,

of her marked hips

of her navel, obnubilating.

I thought I owned her;

one to whom it would be enough

it would be enough to wake her up

to start all over again.

She was my bride to kiss,

my wife to dress and undress

becoming more and more beautiful.

As if in doing so;

petals were sprouting from under her feet.

My loves, Love of my homeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora