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Intensita I can't see her

because if I see her

I feel in love with her,

in love with her again.

And when she sees me she trembles,

speaks awkwardly and sweats,

but I tremble too

a strange situation

because it's been a long time

we are no longer anything.

If I see her my heart leaps

it flutters

like when we were teenagers

and I embraced her tenderly.

It's not love to be discarded

It is love that does not alter

nor disappears in the wind.

In the past we made each other

mutually wronged each other

mutually hurt each other


the love between the two of us

springs up every time

we meet.

I saw her ten years after

of our last kiss,

our last fight,

I saw her with her husband;

I became jealous.

She saw me fifteen years later;

with a copper-haired girlfriend

and called me furious, already divorced;

jealous, insane, toxic

she started complaining to me

who was that bandit.

With whom I was surrendered

taking pictures of me


in the cafeteria of the market,

where right next door with her mother

she was there; Intensita in love

and I hadn't even noticed her.

Then she kept calling me

she wrote me

she sent me audios.

We met again in a park

hiding like criminals

she asked me for forgiveness

and I forgave her

I asked her for forgiveness

and she forgave me.

The situation was very cordial

we rested from our sorrows.

It should have ended there;

but I took her to Paris

where I spend nights walking

crossing its bridges


sleeping on platforms

and listening to sonatas

of birds and toads.

Where am I going to hallucinate

invent theories

drinking wine and writing

existing in dreams

being conscious within them

taking advantage of the time of life

so as not to think so much about death.

We arrived as new bride and groom

I kissed her a little on the neck

she wanted to dance a tango;

by D'arienzo, Gardel

she drank later

several Boleganchos.

The night was splendid

the moon was gone

the stars disappeared

the whole sky was filled with water

thunder and lightning.

I drank cheap wine

and from her mouth so beautiful

he gave me twenty sickly kisses

I gave him back three thousand one hundred five hundred

four thousand eight hundred

a million uncertain touches.

My loves, Love of my homeWhere stories live. Discover now