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I could say that that little face of yours

is very beautiful

but the word alone is not enough for me

to make an acceptable description.

Because the beauty of your face

surpasses the Gioconda

and the very word beautiful.

Therefore, to give you the honors you deserve,

to give you the honors you deserve

I would have to look for other axioms.

Phrases that serve, for example

to describe flowers.

I could also try to invent new words;

like a language of my own

conceived especially to explain you.

With an alphabet based on your delicate features.

The shape of your lips

could be used

to create a character

for the word desire.

In any case

the list of words would be very long.

It would take years

thousands of hours spent

and sleepless nights

trying to understand your beauty.

Just to immortalize you on paper.


that if for some reason I still can't describe you;

at least allow me to get close enough.

To get close enough to you, which is not difficult.

Like the word sublime

that describes very well what it feels like

when one has the enormous pleasure of reflecting in your eyes.

My loves, Love of my homeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon