Chapter 6

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"No offense but why exactly are you friends with the guy trying to capture Aang?"

Katara spoke as she looked at me with a skeptical look on her face, her arms were crossed and everything about her seemed defensive already. "Oh well, it's a long story." I spoke out pretending I wasn't feeling intimated. "We got time." Sokka replied as he stretched with a half-bored expression. I sat up and lightly sighed then proceeded to tell them the whole story. What happened to me which led up to me meeting Zuko etc.

"I know how you feel, our mother was taken away too."

She spoke with empathy and sadness, I couldn't help but feel bad for them. "I'm sorry you guys had to go through that too." I gave them a sympathetic smile that Katara kindly returned. "Enough of the sappy talk, how do we know we can trust you? You are friends with Zuko anyway." Sokka spoke looking at me with a skeptical look, this seemed to have reminded Katara because she too looked at me with the same look again.

"Guys she's trustworthy, she visited me when I was a prisoner. We had a nice talk about things and she kept apologizing about me being a prisoner. If she was a bad guy she wouldn't have done any of that."

Aang spoke from where he was sitting, he was steering Appa, his flying bison. And there is Momo, a flying lemur who seems to like me. Momo is currently sleeping on my lap as I lightly stroke his back. "I guess you're right... I'm sorry, my name is Katara, this is Sokka my older brother." She went back to her sweet self as she pointed to her brother. "Plus if Momo likes her she can't be too bad." Sokka spoke nonchalantly.

We landed on the ground right next to a waterfall, Katara is supposed to teach Aang everything she knows about water bending to help him. "Do you think you have room for one more student?" I asked a little shy as I walked up to the two. "Of course! I didn't know you were a water bender too!" Katara smiled so sweetly that it seemed like her whole suspicion of me washed away when she found out I can water bend.

"You can water bend? Aww, I thought we were non-bender buddies. You suck." Sokka groaned as he threw his boomerang onto a tree stump. "My mom said I'm a prodigy but I couldn't practice.." I nervously chuckled. "That's ok, we can help you. Aang and I are beginners too." Katara spoke as we got ready for our lesson. Katara, Aang, and I then spent the next hour practicing how to water bend. Aang and I caught on pretty fast which made us feel excited.

I felt so excited being able to practice water bending, not in secret. And to be around another water bender my age made it so much better. Sokka cleaned the gunk out from between Appas toes as I took a break from practice.

"Is it ok if I take a break? There's this scroll I want to try out."

"You have a water scroll?" Katara asked excited.

"Yeah, my mother gave it to me. It's a scroll passed down in our family that prodigies were only able to master. Not sure why exactly. But it's what she said." I shrugged.

Katara dismissed me from her little class so I walked a few feet away from them making sure they had enough space. I opened the scroll and stared at it, reading and studying the moves, I sat the scroll down and slowly did the moves. The whole point was to form a water whip that turned into ice once it hit the opponent. I practiced the moves over and over envisioning the move properly working.

I stood in the water and faced a nearby tree deciding it'll be my target. I began to do the water whip but I couldn't turn the end into ice before it hit the tree. I sighed heavily and tried again but going a bit slower. No luck. I was about to try again but I heard Sokka yell. I quickly turned around and saw all our stuff being washed away. "What happened!?" My jaw dropped as I jogged up to the group. Good thing I left all my things on the ship except my scroll and journal. Which I had with me.

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