Chapter 12

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"Well, it took forever but Appa has officially been de-shedded. Hopefully, that means we can lose Azula now."

"Speaking of which.. has anyone else noticed that Zuko has stopped chasing us?" Katara pondered.

"I noticed, maybe he lost hope or got better?" I suggested.

"It's a possibility." Sokka shrugged.

"Change can always happen no matter how bad the person, that's what my dad always said." I smiled.

"Well if he did change he certainly took his time." Katara rolled her eyes.

"Ok moving on...Katara it's your turn for the vacation pick." Aang said handing her the map.

"The Oasis Springs sounds fun and relaxing." She pointed to a spot on the map.


"Looks relaxing huh Katara?" Sokka smirked.

"Oh shut up Sokka." I elbowed him.

This exchange made Toph laugh to herself. "It looked much nicer when I used to visit, I wonder what happened." Aang said as we walked into a bar. Sokka ordered a drink which so happened to be the only drink they serve. We watched in amazement as the guy made the drink. He chopped up ingredients with words and performed cool tricks then handed Sokka the drink.

We went over to an empty table and sat down as a group until we heard a guy walk into the building. He was asking around about a library that's been lost. We turned our heads in his direction, interested in this supposed library with infinite knowledge. Sokka got up and went over to the man curious to know more about it, Aang following him. Curious just as much as the two boys, I watched their conversation.

"We overheard you talk about a library with infinite knowledge, is that right?" Sokka asked.

"Yes, but it's been lost for so long. Do you know where it is?"

"No...but I'm sure we can find it." Aang beamed.

We've been flying around the desert for quite some time looking for the library. The guy has been telling us the legend behind it and what it's supposedly like. I must admit, if this is real, I would love to read about advanced fire and water bending. Flying around and traveling with almost all of Aangs goals completed can get a little boring at times so it's good to challenge myself every now and then.

It felt like hours have passed and I began to lose hope until Sokka pointed into the distance and shouted he's found it. We all rushed to see where he was pointing and there we saw, a very small structure in the middle of the desert. We quickly landed and ran to the structure. "I must admit, it's a lot smaller than I thought it'd be." I spoke as I looked at it up and down. Toph walked closer to the building and shook her head. "There's much more to it." She spoke as she touched the building with two hands.

"It's almost completely underground, I wonder if I can-"

She struggled a bit but began to bend the sand and lifted the building as much as she could. This caused an open window to surface, a way for us to get in. "Toph you're the best!" I smiled brightly. "I know." She smugly smiled. We took turns climbing through the window as Toph made it her job to make sure the building won't collapse. Once we made it to the ground we were surprised by a giant owl spirit.

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