Chapter 17

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We arrived in the village that was rumored to be cursed. This place looked all too familiar, I remember hearing about the rumors when I was little so I always stayed away. We looked around and saw the place was almost dead quiet. There were people here and there doing their own thing. "Excuse me, sir? Could you please tell me about-" Katara began to speak as she approached a man at a pop-up store. The man looked over nervous and ran away into a building we assume was his house.

"Well, now who are we going to ask?"

"Pssst hey."

We all looked over in the direction where the voice came from and saw a man in an alley. We looked at each other then Aang approached the man. Katara quickly followed him. The man then told us about the rumor of why this place is haunted. We looked over at each other suspiciously then Aang promised to solve the town mystery. The man laughed and wished him luck before disappearing into the shadows.

It's now night time and we were doing some more exploring in the woods where people refuse to set foot. We found a house that looked empty, we looked at each other then decided to explore it. We walked inside and searched if anyone was inside or if there were any clues about the disappearances. "Oh, I didn't realize I'd have visitors tonight." Someone spoke behind us. We turned around and saw an old lady.

"Oh sorry we didn't realize someone lived in this house. We were just trying to find out why people are disappearing."

"Ah that, I could tell you what I know over dinner? I haven't had visitors in a long time."

"Of course, we would love to." Katara smiled.

We stayed for dinner and helped her set up the table and cook. I have to admit, it was nice being in a home and not worrying about anything. But that old lady seems a "You're a water bender!?" I heard Katara happily exclaim, I walked into the kitchen curious and saw her and the old lady. "You can water bend?" I asked peeking into the kitchen. "I can, I'm from the southern water tribe." She admitted. This made Katara more excited as she rambled about how she and Sokka were from there and how I can water bend too.


"Toph.. do you trust this lady?"

I asked looking at her after I made sure the old lady wasn't around. Toph thought about it a bit then shook her head. "Not really." I sat back in my chair and sighed. "I don't trust her either. Something about her seems too familiar. I feel like I've heard about her but I can't remember what." I dragged my hands down my face annoyed because I couldn't remember. I then looked around the room and noticed Katara wasn't here or the woman. I seriously need to remember her name.

"Where's Katara and the old lady?"

"Who Hama? She and Katara went to go get some of these berries for dinner." Sokka dismissively waved his hand.

"I'll be back.." I said then quickly left.

My gut told me to go find them and that something was wrong. What was wrong felt like it was on the tip of my tongue but I just couldn't remember. It was some bedtime story my dad used to tell me and it's based on truth. I ran through the forest and noticed a full moon, that might come in handy for the things I've been practicing in secret. I saw Katara and ran up to her.

"There you are, I just wanted to see if you guys needed any... help.." I slowly stopped talking noticing the fighting stances.

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