Chapter Twenty-One: Time

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I look up from my book to see Nadia and Aidan running up to me, covered in dust and sweat. 

"Did you decide to wrestle in the dirt?" I chuckled a little as Nadia took the cup that I pushed to her and emptying it with one swallow.

"Aidan thought it would be fun to knock me down with him instead of gracefully taking his loss."

"Says the woman who kicked me in the leg to cause me to fall." Aidan grins and nudges his sister. "I couldn't be the only one disheveled."

"Real mature Aidan."

"Let's get the both of you clean." I giggled before using a crystal; activating magic that bubbled around the beastkin twins for a moment before disappearing and taking the dirt with it.

"Thank you Princess." Nadia smiles her signature small grin before sitting down next to me, Aidan following suit on the other side.

"Your control of the crystals is improving." Aidan pats me on the head, still treating me like a small kid. 

Naida hands me a cookie as they bickered a little, the black tree swaying it's leaves in the wind.

This was my favorite place since the celebration of becoming Papa's daughter two years ago.  My speech has improved to the point where I only stutter when I get really excited. I have also eaten enough food where Aidan and Nadia no longer hover around me during a breezy day in fear that I would be blown away.

I've learned how to write in the demon and magic language, studied the history of the demon kingdom, demon etiquette, mathematics, Magibeastiology both in the classroom and in the stables as well as magic- though I wasn't able to use it like Papa.

Dr. Strom didn't seem to be concerned since most humans can't use magic without a medium which he told us after I was rushed to him by a panicked Papa who had been testing me for magic at the time.

Humans usually used a medium to connect to magic which is different compared to demons who could 'feel' magic in nature. Dr. Strom tested me in multiple mediums like human talismans that have been gathering dust here, a staff, wand, sigil, magic crests and more.

I had been standing next to a growing pile of discarded mediums then Dr. Strom paused and thoughtfully held up a crystal.

"This is a magic crystal." He held it between his fingers and looked through it at me. "They are essentially considered useless in both the human and demon kingdom."


"They do not have a use other than being bright in the dark." He adjusts his glasses. "They were very valuable a few hundred years ago until a magician discovered a way to create lights with minimal magic. So compared to the high cost of mining the crystals and installing them as well as making replacements when their shine disappears- it was more cost effective and would allow the human kingdom to spend money in better avenues."

He goes silent after Papa gave him a look.

"Go ahead and try." Papa encourages me with a smile.

"What if it doesn't work?"

"You can live in the castle without being able to magic. Although it would make it difficult outside of it." 

Dr. Strom offers the crystal to me.

I pause for a moment before holding my breath and taking the crystal from him. It felt cool in my hand but did not do a thing.

"Try thinking of something and envision it appearing." Papa suggests.

I raised the crystal up as I waited for idea to pop up then noticed the snow lightly falling outside.  The next moment, it was snowing inside the room.

The soft flakes drifted down, feeling cold but did not melt on my skin.

"That's it!" Dr. Strom's hollowed eyed glowed a little as he looked up and touched the snow. "Amazing."

"Beautiful." Papa smiles at me. 


"Princess?" Aidan's was suddenly in front of mine, taking me back from the memory. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes!" I stammer. "Sorry." 

"Let us head inside." Nadia stands and offers me a hand as magic cause the table to disappear. "It is almost time for you to get ready for dinner." 

"Okay." I held onto my book as we walked, placing back on the bookshelf once inside.

Mimi appears with floating brushes behind her as she got to work on my hair, fixing the damage the wind had done. I glance up to the mirror, watching her for a moment before looking down; I still didn't like looking at myself, though my scars had faded into thin white lines that still noticeable to me whenever I see my reflection.

Everyone except Papa would try to tell me that there was nothing wrong or it wasn't noticeable with the same look on their faces. It was like they were trying to tell themselves that.

But Papa didn't say a word. He never made me feel like he was staring at the scars whenever I tried to hide them; on days when I didn't want to go outside, Papa would wait until I open the door for him. He would stand outside the entire time then once I allowed him in- he would sit with me and hold my hand.

His actions helped a lot and showed me that I didn't have to worry about my appearance. It still bothers me but I no longer tried hiding my face with my hair.

"And... Finished!" Mimi uses one more clip in my hair before standing back. "Do you like it Dear?"

I glance into the mirror and saw my hair half up with curls, clips with purple jewels on the side that matched the dress and smiled a little at my reflection. 

"I love it." I turn towards the old woman and give her a hug. "Thanks Mimi."

"Enjoy your dinner." Mimi smiles as she waves me off, Aidan offering me his arm as we head off to the dinning room.

Hey everyone!! I know its been 20 days into the new year but I do hope that you all have been doing well!🥰

It's been busy for me which is why this chapter took forever- I was having a bit of a hard time figuring out how I wanted to start this, but now it's over! (the chapter- not the book)

So I've been thinking... should I start an instagram? I've never been a content creator on insta so I don't really know what I should post. I draw, but not very often so my drawing skills are okay-ish. 😅

If I end up doing so- I'll make sure to put it on my message board, profile, and whatever chapter I happen to be working on for you all so that you can follow along.

Also did anyone else notice that we are up to 77.1k views? This is so awesome!🥳🤯

Again, I really want to thank all of you! It makes me so happy so many people love this!😘

Love all of you and Thanks for reading!!!

The Demon King said to call him PapaWhere stories live. Discover now