Chapter Thirty-three: Sun

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"Papa!" I knocked and waited a few seconds before opening the door. "Papa?"

His office was quiet, with light streaming in from the window, but Papa was nowhere to be seen.

"Is he not here?" I ask Nova, who slips past me. 

"He is." They say after peeking around the couch. "Seems that he is sleeping."

"Papa?" I tiptoed over and peeked over the top to see an unfamiliar sight. 

Papa was spread out on the couch, looking a bit disheveled, and an open book was lying on his chest.

"He really is sleeping," I whisper, kneeling near his face. I watched as his eyebrow furrowed as he mumbled a little.

"He must be tired." Nova settles on the arm of the couch.

I knew that he had been busy, but this was the first time I'd seen Papa so defenseless. I rested my face against my hand as I watched the afternoon sunshine in his hair.  He mumbled again and shifted slightly, causing the book to slide down. I quickly caught it before it fell on the floor and placed it on the table. 

"Are you going to wait until he wakes?" Nova licks a paw before cleaning their face. 

"I can wait..." I turned to look at him again and saw that there was a bit of space next to him. I sneak a look at Papa's sleeping face, another idea popping into my head. A few seconds later, I found myself climbing up into the couch.

Nova taps its tail on the couch as I settle into the crook of his arm, resting my head on his shoulder. Feeling a weight, I look up to see Nova climbing on top of me and lying down, resting their head down their paws, and starting to purr.

The combination of Papa's warmth, Nova, and the sun caused me to feel sleepy. I didn't try to fight it; I let it lull me to sleep. 

I felt a familiar weight in my arms as I returned to my body after allowing my spirit to roam the kingdom; a feat that very few are capable of- usually only Demon Kings have enough power and sanity to release their soul from their body without kil...

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I felt a familiar weight in my arms as I returned to my body after allowing my spirit to roam the kingdom; a feat that very few are capable of- usually only Demon Kings have enough power and sanity to release their soul from their body without killing themselves.

I allow my spirit to settle before opening my eyes to see Soraya sleeping beside me. 

"Have a nice nap?" Nova's tail taps my hand, the rest of their body was sprawled on her contractor.

"This is a surprise." I lightly brushed a strand of hair from her face as she sighed and shifted closer.  

"She wanted to see you." Nova stretches out a paw and lightly flexes it. "My partner has been having issues with the assignment you gave her."


"What she wants for her birthday." They yawn. "It's been giving her trouble, but she got an idea and came over here."

"I see." I could feel myself smile a little, but it was short-lived as the window blew open- a sign of strong magic being used. 

"Hm?" Nova flinches and raises their head as I blocked the wind from hitting them. "What's going on?"


"Yes, your Majesty?" A circle appears in the air, showing Abaddon surrounded by books and wearing glasses. "Ah, I see." He glances towards the window as it closed with my magic. "It seems that the experiment is being conducted." 

"I do not recall allowing any experiments so close to the castle." I waved a hand to clean up the fallen papers.

"The blast must be stronger than intended." Abaddon neatly places his glasses next to a cup of tea before standing. "I will handle it."

"Good." I let the circle disappear as Soraya rubbed her eyes and stretched. "Sleep well?"

"Yes, Papa." 

I reach over to smooth down her hair that got tangled from the wind. 

"What caused the wind?" She shifts to sit up.

"An explosion. An experiment in which our researchers were conducting." I didn't elaborate that they were testing the human kingdoms weapon which was smuggled in by spies.

When I had heard word of a new weapon that the humans were creating, I had my soldiers report back with the schematics to determine the amount of devastation it could cause if would be used on our people. 

"It seems that they will need to be more careful."

Hello everyone!!! Long time no see! Sorry for the long hiatus, I ended up getting super distracted with school and work. Unfortunately, this chapter is a bit shorter than I intended- but I am planning to have the next one return to the usual length.😁

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be posted but I won't leave you all hanging for months this time!😅

Love all of you and Thanks for reading!!!

The Demon King said to call him PapaWhere stories live. Discover now