Chapter Twenty-eight: Nighttime pain

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I woke up to pain and a strange heaviness that seemed to hold me down. It was hard lifting my head so I let it lean against the fluffy pillow as my room slowly came into view.

 In the dim light, I could see the two flowers in my hands and started to remember the pain of removing just one before I quickly pushed away the memory.


I pause at the sound and look over to see Papa sleeping with a frown, his arms crossed as he sits in a chair. I scootch up, wanting to see his face a little more. 

Papa is handsome; even to me. I have heard maids talking about what a 'catch' he is and how they will be so sad once he gets married. His hair seemed to glow in the shadows and gave him an unreal feeling.

I kept staring at him until I realized that he was staring back at me.

"How are you feeling?"  Papa stretches a little before leaning over to brush my hair away from my face. 

"Fin-" I started to say but paused as I saw the look on his face. "It hurts a little and I feel heavy."

"That is to be expected." He says as a shadow across his features for a moment. "I'll have Dr. Strom come and-"

"No, You don't have to wake him."

I glance over to see the moon high in the sky through the window.

"It doesn't bother me much." I half-lied since the pain dulled a little. "I know everyone is tired." 

I met his eyes and gave him a smile that only deepened his frown.


"Please Papa?"

Papa goes silent before sighing. "Alright, but you must get some more sleep." 

"Okay." He helps me to lay back down and carefully tucks the blanket around me. 

"um..." I started to say but stopped as Papa settled back into the chair.

"Yes, Soraya?" 

"Are... Is that comfortable?"

"A bit." 

His gaze searches my face for a moment. 

"You need to rest too, Papa." I finally say after our stare down. 

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No!" I protested a little too quickly, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "I-I..." 

I wasn't sure what I was trying to say. 

Papa chuckled a little and waved his hand; the chair below him changed to become a long lounge chair with pillows and a blanket.

"Is that better?" 

"Yes." I smiled as he lay down.

"Close your eyes, daughter." His order was soft as he leaned against his hand with a smile that lit up his face. "I'll be right here."

I couldn't help but stare.


"I like your smile, Papa." I giggled a little. 

"Should I smile more?"

"I'd like that."

"If it's my daughter's request- then I will happily comply." Papa reaches over to pat me on the head. "Now sleep."

I obediently closed my eyes but sleep stayed out of reach.

A few minutes passed as I tried my hardest to dream but nothing I did seemed to help. 

The Demon King said to call him PapaWhere stories live. Discover now