Chapter 8: A Love to Confess~!

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"Being kind to others is only so they will be kind to you. A love that asks nothing in return but a road to heaven!" - Erinco Pucci


-No One's P.O.V-

In (Y/N)'s school, the principal announces that there will be no class in the afternoon due to all of them learning about Damien's death.

(Y/N), being the PieceKeeper he was, was trying to comfort Miku for the loss of her new boyfriend, but she got angry at him, pushing him away, and yelling out...

Miku: It's all your fucking fault for killing him!!

(Y/N): What does the accident have to do with me?!

Miku: You led him outside so he could die!

(Y/N):! Why would I plan to just lead him outside?! I didn't do it out of hatred!

Miku: You're lying!

(Y/N): Are you insane?! You told Damien that I had an argument with you about our love on Saturday night while Ariel was with us. Damien was very pissed after what you told him and led him to target me! You could've just dropped it instead of telling him!

Both of them kept arguing until Kaito decided to break it apart before things could go physical.

Kaito: Whoa, whoa, that's enough you two! Just cool it off, alright?

Miku: Tch...

Miku stormed off the school hallways by herself as the Vocaloids, Ariel, and (Y/N) watched her leave.

(Y/N) then lets out a sigh before speaking up.

(Y/N): How the hell did it come up this...?

Luka: She had many relationships and breakups with her previous boyfriends, but it's the first time seeing her recent boyfriend die in a garbage truck enrages her.

Len: Damien was sure arrogant and annoying, but getting killed by a garbage truck is not a way for him to go like that.

Rin: However, he did pursue (Y/N) out of anger and wanted to beat the crap out of him. Damien should've had second thoughts, but we all know Damien is not like that.

(Y/N): *Sigh* I can agree with that.

Kaito: Aside from Damien, is Miku going to be alright?

Everyone stays silent for a few seconds until Ariel spoke up.

Ariel: From what we all know is that Miku can find another boyfriend, but it's still unhealthy for her to get into another relationship after seeing her recent boyfriend die. She needs help.

Rin: REAL help.

Luka: And it's quite concerning as well.

Everyone in the group nodded in agreement until (Y/N) had one thought in mind.

(Y/N): (What else can we do now...?)

-Time Skip-

A week has passed since Damien's death after he got run over by a garbage truck while trying to punch you in the face. From what everyone had heard, the Driver himself tried to hit the brakes, but it didn't work and hit Damien.

However, what is strange is that the brakes returned back to normal after Damien got run over. People were speculating that he was lying, so the garbage truck driver was arrested for Vehicular homicide and was fined 50,000 Yen.

(A/N: I'm quite bad at how Japanese laws work, my apologies.)

Right now, (Y/N) was at his home and was giving Geo her dog food to eat in her dog bowl.

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