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i shuffled into the dormitory, not really paying attention to what I was doing. I felt myself run into something which caused an "oomph" to come out my mouth.

i look up to see a boy with warm eyes and pink hair looking at me. he looked kinda intimadating. dyed hair, nose ring, gauges.

"oh my god i'm sorry." I said as I blushed out of embarrassment.

dear god tyler you just blushed in front of a cute guy. I said to myself.

"hey man you're fine, just pay more attention next time." he said understandingly.

"um.. I dont mean to bother you but do you know where dorm 3b is?" I ask as i look at him, then back at my paper.

"yeah, it's right here actually. looks like I'm your roommate!" I  smiled nervously and shuffled into the room.

"here's your room," he opened the door and showed me the room, "and mines right across from you if you need anything.". I  nodded and thanked him quietly as i started unpacking my things.

as i was just finishing up, he came back into the room.

"hey, tyler? do you wanna walk with me to the assembly?" I nodded my head yes and quickly texted my mom something then slid my phone into my pocket.

I smiled and closed the door behind us. we walked out of our dorm and out the building doors and started walking towards the gym building.

we made somw conversation, i learned he lived in columbus like me. i also learned he had a pretty sick taste in music.

we made it into the gym and he looked around, probably searching for his friends.

a girl with platinum hair came running towards us and jumped into josh's arms. they explained how they missed each other and kissed.

I felt uncomfortable so I awkwardly shifted my self away from them. josh I guess noticed, then introduced me to his friends.

brendon, a guy with the sides of his hair buzzed and the rest floppy bounced over to me.

"in order to be in this group you must collect the blood of a Virgin and sacrifice it to our lord and savior, satan." he said in a serious tone, my eyes got wide and josh quickly shooed brendon away.

"he's just joking man don't worry." he says as he pats me on the back.

"does the virgin have to have a specific hair color?" i joke back, the group laughs and we take our seats.

"oh, we're going to taco bell afterwards. wanna join?" josh asks, I nod and he mutters "sweet." we then turn our heads to the front as the dean starts talking.

maybe this year won't be that bad.



idk if I'm rushing this and I'm sorry if I am.

Constructive criticism is welcome!

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