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that morning I ended up waking up earlier than tyler so I just let him sleep. i was careful not to wake him as I unwrapped his arms from my waist.

i stretched and let out a yawn as I made my way towards the kitchen. there sat my mother? why is she here? at nine in the morning.

"mom, why are you up here so early?" I asked quietly.

she sniggers and takes a sip from her coffee,

"I don't know, maybe because my son hasn't called me for a week!" she shot back, I had to keep myself from laughing.

"what were you doing anyway?" she questioned me.

"uh, I made a new friend so we've all been hanging out a lot, sorry." I smiled sheepishly and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"oh alright, just don't forget to call me next time alright?" I nodded in response.

"wait, you drive 20 minutes here just to make a point?" she nodded and I laughed.

"you know your mamas persistent josh!"

I sat and pondered for a moment. tyler and I got really close last night, like REALLY close. why did I kiss him, is it okay for a guy to kiss his friends forehead? I mean, it wasn't his lips. plus we cuddled last night too. it's just a really good bromance really, yeah... bromance.

or you're just gay, therefore, it would be a really good gaymance.

I shook the thought away, there's no way. i have a girlfriend who I love dearly, debby. speaking of debby, I haven't talked to her since me & ty have been hanging out. I got up and was about to go upstairs but there was something nagging at me.

"hey mom... how would you feel if I was gay?" I asked almost quietly. I heard her choke on her coffee and then clear her throat.

"why honey, is there something you want to tell me?" i shook my head frantically at her reply.

"well, I would accept you for who you are because love is love. just don't be doing the frick frack if you're at the house." she replied adding a wink at the end, I chuckled at her.

something just... I don't know. holding Tyler last night, it felt right? it was almost as though he fit pefectly in my arms. despite the fact he's 5 inches more than me.

maybe I'm just over.thinking it, yeah, over thinking. I mean, it's fine for a guy to comfort his friend. tyler's not gay & neither am I. we've just got a really rad bromance going on.


The first thing i did when I went into my room was text debby. I feel like I've been neglecting her.

Me: hey deb's, just wanted to tell you I love you to the moon and back ❤

debby ❤❤: thanks for actually acknowledging me.

oh shit, she's most likely pissed at me.

Me: I'm so sorry baby, me & tyler have just been hanging out a lot. please don't be mad at me.

debby ❤❤: Josh I'm not mad, I'm just a little upset that your new bestfriend has had more time with you than I have.re att

she's not wrong, I have been ignoring her lately. I think we only kissed like twice this week. i'll just make us a nice picnic date, yeah that'll be great.

Me: what do you say I take you out for lunch, as an apology? and because you love me so so much , you'll give me a chance ♡

debby ❤❤: i say... yes! but please dont bring tyler, its like you two attached at the hip lately.

Me: will do, i'll pick you up around 12, sound good?

debby ❤❤: yeah, sounds great, i love you

Me: i love you too babe ❤


"tyler, ty, wake up" I said as I shook him.

he let out a groan and turned over, "no, leave me alone." he answered, his voice raspy as ever.

"dude, seriously wake up." I shook him a bit harder, he then slapped my hand roughly.

"shake me again, and I'll rip your arms out of their sockets." he retorts as he sits up.

he rubs the sleep out of his eyes and gets up out of the bed.

"ugh, what time is it?" I look at my phone and show it to him,

"11:15, wow I slept kinda late. why were you up?" I shrugged.

"hey ty, can you get dressed? I'm going out for lunch at 12." his eyes got big and he nodded.

"yeah man, where are we going?" he asked all excitedly.

he thinks he's going oh god.

"um actually, it's just me and debby going." i answered awkwardly as I scratched the back of my neck.

I saw his face drop but then he covered it up with a smile.

"oh, in that case, I'll get out of here." he said as he rushed to get his stuff on.

"tyler slow down man, we've hung out like everyday. debby is my girlfriend by the way." i said gently, he shook his head.

"It's whatever Josh, go hang with your girlfriend." he spat, his voice was full of venom when he said 'girlfriend.'

he left before I could say anything and slammed the front door. I let out a sigh and went over to my drawers.

I picked out a shirt with cats on it and some black skinny jeans. I then slid on my red vans and slid my phone into my pocket.

I went downstairs and started making sandwhiches & snacks for the picnic.

I called my mom and I told her about the situation. she asked why he would react that way.

"I don't know, I guess tyler was upset I wanted to hang with debby today." I answered as I cut the watermelon into stars.

"well why would he be upset? do you think he may, I dont know, like you?" I dropped the knife that was in my hands.

"shit!" I cursed, the knife was close to stabbing through my foot.

"joshua william dun!" she yelled, I apologized quickly.

"sorry ma, your comment just surprised me. and no, I don't think he likes me, he just may enjoy hanging with me is all." I said simply, picking up the knife the nearly cut my toes off.

"whatever you say josh, whatever you say." she told me she loved me then hung up.

I sighed and packed everything into the basket.

here's to a nice picnic in the park.



helloo I had some writers block but I quickly got out of it.

I've changed it around so that Josh doesn't know tylers gay. I felt I made Tyler come out way too early.

I hope you like this, if you'd like me to maybe add something or change something pm me.

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