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I find it sad that tyler didn't have many friends because of his problems & sexuality. the kids of today are really disgusting.

"babe, what's wrong?" debby asks as she snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"huh? oh, I was just thinking about tyler." I answered, still thinking about the poor guy.

"oh, he seems nice. he's kinda a loner a bit." I nod, not really paying attention.

"I mean, I know not many new kids will makes friends on their first day, but he just gives off that loner vibe." she states flatly, she is right though.

"well I hope I changed that today, he's a really cool guy." I say smiling at the thought of today's events.

"you're a good guy josh, not many people are like you." she says then pecks me on the cheek.


the rest of the week went by pretty fast and soon enough it was the weekend. tyler and I exchanged numbers and texted and hung out a few times.
(even though we lived together.)

I went over to his room and knocked on the door. I heard shuffling then he opened the door.

"hey ty you wanna hang out tonight? we're having a mario kart party." he answered yes then shut his door.

I invited the rest if the crew over and tidied up a little. I put out some snacks and red bull, soda, ect.


everyone showed up around 6ish and we began our "party." I was actually surprised at how open tyler was now, sure he had his awkward moments, but he was a really funny guy.

I hung out with debby for a little while and we talked and such.

tyler beat everyone at mario kart, and I mean everyone. even me, and I'm like the champion.

afterwards everyone went back to their dorms and tyler and I cleaned up the mess we all made.

"hey man, thanks for helping me clean." I said as I picked up an empty chip bag.

"no problem, it's the least I can do since I live here too." he laughed, his laugh was actually kinda adorable.

I mean, nice? I don't know man. it was one of those laughs where it makes you laugh too.

so I did, we ended up laughing and cleaning for another hour till we were done.

we said our goodnights and went straight to bed.

lil filler ig

I'm proud that I actually update this much. this seems like a story I'm willing to continue.

I dedicate this chapter to @marrymuke bc she's super sweet & y'all should check her out :)

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