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"Does it bother you that the other Jedi just call you 'the Clone?'"

"No. It's what I am."

"Well, it bothers me. I need to call you something else... You need a name."

"No, I don't. I already have a designation."

"Really? What is it?"


"That makes you you sound like a droid.... What does the 'A' stand for?"

"'Alpha.' The code used for prototypes. We were all part of the Alpha batch."

"Then that's what I'll call you. Alpha."

"Call me whatever you want. I don't care. Just watch my back."

-Anakin Skywalker to A-17 "Alpha, on the Naboo moon of Ohma-D'un.

Pat pat pat pat.

The rain pattered against the ARCs special Clone armor as he exited the LAAT/i. The advanced recon commando had a hitch in his confident stride, as he was still recovering from his interrogation on Rattatak. Dooku's ruthless assassin, Asajj Ventress, had held back nothing in her interrogation.

"A-17," said a skinny-headed Kaminoan, the bright light reflecting off its pale white skin. "We didn't think you had survived your encounter with Commander Ventress."

"Well I'm here and breathing. So I hear your training a new batch of clones," the veteran Clone replied. He wasn't pleased to be back. He endured much suffering and trials here on this rainy world.

"Yes. We're designing a new breed of clone. They will be designed to fill in the command gap between Jedi and regular clones," she said. "A second-in-command, if you will."

A balance. Not a regular clone, and not an ARC.

"And I suppose you want me to train these new clones?"

"Yes. That is why we pulled you away from the front lines. All the other ARCs are deep undercover in Confederacy territory. And the NULLs wouldn't be the best role models for them," the Kaminoan said. That was an understatement. The NULLs were just about renegades. Kal Skirita had trained them to be almost completely independent.

"Let me see the cadets," he said. The Kaminoan nodded, his head bobbing at the end of his long neck. It led him down a brightly lit hallway, and walked through the door at the end.

"Now, these Cadets are nearly ready to graduate their training as normal clones. We will give you a few months for you to train them. Good luck," the Kaminoan exited the door and left down the hallway.

He looked down through a long, tinted window above a room full of computer terminals. Sitting at each one was an older clone, near graduating age, some devising battle strategies and blue blueprint for weapons and gunships. Each one donned a red tunic, each with the Clone's last two numbers of his identification number.








Seven troopers. These seven would be the first experimental group of clone troopers for this unit.

The ARC trooper glanced down at a datapad the Kaminoan had given him. This unit would be designated as Squad 7.


He pressed a button on a control panel, and a loud buzzing sound emanated from the room he was observing. At once, all the troopers stood up at attention, then formed a single file line one by one and exited the room. A few moments later, they marched into the control room and stood at attention.

Alpha immediately snapped into his intimidating Commander mode. The clones had assembled in a line, each one facing him.

"When I walk past you you will give me your number and name. Do you understand?" He said sternly.

"Sir yes sir!" They all replied in unison.

He began walking by from the left side to the right.








Alpha reached the end of the line. "None of you have a name?"

"No sir!" Came the reply.

"You have got to stop doing that. I'll be deaf by the time you graduate. I'll have to think of names for you." Something his Jedi Commander had said rang in his head. Something about giving clones names. Not a number. But a name.

"Uh, sir, permission to speak?" Asked a trooper with close-cropped black hair.

"Denied. There will be no questions. You will follow my orders without question. My wish is your command. Now go suit up and get your training gear on. I'll start you out with the basic maneuvers." One by one they filed out of the room.

They hadn't impressed him so far. So far, they were still acting like normal clones. They were too dependent. He wanted them to be independent and think for themselves. If they were put under command of an incompetent Jedi, they could be the only hope for their company. They would have to make decisions for themselves and their team.

They hadn't impressed him. Not yet. But he had a feeling that was about to change.


Hey guys! I have kinda run out of my ideas for my other series, but I promise to see this series through all the way. It's about a special Squad called Squad 7, comprised of clones designed to fill in the command gap between Jedi and Clones. Squad 7 was the first experimental group for the project which included Bly, Gree, Cody, Rex, Neyo, Bacara, and Wolffe, all trained by Alpha. Fun fact for yu also. Alpha was a comic book character created by Haden Blackman, and in the early scripting for the Star Wars the Clone Wars, was supposed to be in it and in Rex's spot, but they decided to use a different character called Rex. This book is #1 in my new Squad 7 series, which I will be doing books on all the members from their POV. Rex's will definitely be the most lengthy one, Wolffe and Bly probably second. Neyo, Gree, and Bacara will probably be shorter. But please enjoy! Btw I do not own Star Wars.

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