Chapter 1

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"If your going to kill something, Skorr, kill it. Like this!" -General Quinlan Vos to dark Jedi Skorr.

CT-7567's POV:

1 month later....

"Defensive formation! Come on, double time!" Shouted the Jedi, lightsaber raised.

"67, on your left!" Shouted 24. I glanced to my left and barely missed a blue laser bolt whizzing toward me. Fortunately, I ducked in time and continued my charge forward.

"Thanks 24," I replied to a Clone in his blue training armor. I barely caught his smile through his helmeted head as he replied," Anytime."

"Cut the chatter and keep pushing forward!" Shouted 36 as he motioned with his left hand. "Form a defensive formation so we can retrieve the objective!" He barked, blasting a droid on his right.

We all knew what that meant. We formed a defensive shield around the General. 36 would be right beside the General as they charged straight down the middle of the training center. 38, 24 and I would shield the General and 36 from any oncoming blaster fire, and 04, 52, and 26 would bring up the rear.

We all were trying our hardest to get to the objective. We had succeeded more than we had failed in training missions. Commander Alpha had pushed us and pushed us and pushed us to get he objective. He said,"If you don't retrieve the objective, you might as well not bother coming back at all."

The mission was simple. Well, simple to us. We had a holographic Jedi with us that we had to protect while escorting him to the objective. The objective is a hard case that, in a real battle, would contain Separatist plans, battle tactics, or ship schematics. The Jedi was vital to the mission because he would have to use his mystical Jedi powers to infiltrate the enemy citadel (the citadel is the tower on the opposite side of the training area).

But we also had to keep 36 safe. He had a special data chip that would deactivate the ray shield generator protecting the hard case. 36 would enter the citadel wih the General while we held off enemy forces. After we retrieve it, we have to get it back to the friendly citadel so we download the data encrypted on it and send it to an orbiting cruiser. Alpha didn't make it easy on us.

"Hang in there, boys," I said," we're nearly there." We had crossed the halfway point between the two citadels. But out of nowhere a tower appeared on the side of the training area, a commando droid with a heavy-repeating blaster inside of it. It rained down fire on the squad, and our instincts kicked in and we dove for cover behind a small rectangular-shaped barricade. We managed to get behind it, but 04 was too slow, and got hit in the chest.

"Agh!" He shouted, making a last-ditch effort to jump for cover as he was shot. Training shots wouldn't kill you, but they still hurt and would knock you unconscious.

"38, 24, cover fire! 67, get him behind cover!" Shouted 36, his confidence draining.

Without hesitation I grabbed his forearms and drug him behind cover. I needn't worry about getting hit; 38 and 24 wouldn't give any of the droids a chance to aim before they blew their heads out.

"52, check his pulse," commanded 36, standing up from cover and opened fire at an oncoming droid.

"He's out for the rest of the mission, sir," replied 52, the medic of our team.

Stang, I thought. The mission was nearly compromised. This was an eight-man mission. We would have to make do with seven.

"57, that gunner is making it hard for me to think. Shut him up please," ordered 36. That was the first time that I had ever heard 36 make a joke. Or said anything funny, at that.

"With pleasure, sir," I replied. I grabbed my DC-17 rifle and took aim at the Commando Droid. Slowly, I began to squeeze the trigger on my rifle.


The rifle pushed against the crook of my right armpit. The Commando Droid cluttered lifelessly to the ground.

"Nice job, 57," replied 36. "38, commandeer that turret, it'll help cover us when we retreat from the citadel."

"Sir, yessir!" Shouted 38, darting out from behind cover and sprinting to the tower.

""24, remain here with 04 and cover our retreat as well," said 36.

"Understood sir," said 24, blasting a droid's head clean off its shoulders.

"57, 52, 26, get ready to move!" He barked. 36 glanced at the holographic Jedi, crouched behind cover. "Resume approach."

The Jedi snapped back into battle mode, vaulting over cover and deflecting blaster bolts.

It would be nice, I thought, if he was a real Jedi. He could complete this mission all by himself.

"Move it! Move it!" Roared 36, vaulting over the cover as well. 26 and I rushed darted out of the left side of the small cover, while 52 darted out the right.

"Squad, 2-2-1 zone!" He ordered, firing at a droid. A 2-2-1 zone was two "shields," as we called them, in the front, the two higher ranks in the middle, and one man covering the rear. 26 and 52 took the front, and I guarded the rear. We ran as fast as we could, blasting at droids.

I suddenly caught something out the corner of my eye. A bright blue flash at the corner of my transparent visor. I realized what it was too late.

"36, get the Jedi to move! Sniper!" It was too late. 36 saw the bolt coming to, and stood in front of the Jedi.

"Ack!" He screamed, making a choking sound. The bolt hit him in the throat and he fell motionless to the ground.

"24, cover fire!" I screamed into my comm. "Squad, shield formation!"

I knelt down beside 36. He hadn't blacked out yet. He couldn't talk though. He drew the data chip out from his utility belt. He pressed it into my hand just as he was beginning to lose consciousness.

If the holographic Jedi was killed, it was an instant fail. If the commander was injured, we had a chain of command that we followed to pass the data chip down. If 36 was incapacitated, 24 got it. If 24 wasn't there, he gave it 38. If 38 wasn't there, he gave it to me.

"Squad, move out! We'll have to leave 36 behind. 24," I said, raising my wrist comm to my face,"Come and extract 36. 38, get ready to cover us. We'll no doubt have them nipping at our heals."

And so we pressed on, 52 in front of me and the Jedi, and 26 covering the rear.


I deserve an award. That was the longest chapter I've ever done. Hope you are enjoying it so far.

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