Chapter 2

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"Jedi, how nice it is for you to be seeing me!" -Vilmar "Villie" Grahrk

"Move, move, move!" I roared at 52 and 26. We had come so far, and I didn't want to fail now. Blaster bolts whizzed pat my us as we weaved between them left and right.

I kept on checking that the datachip was on my belt. I was paranoid that we would lose it, and the fail would be completely on me.

Finally, the enemy citadel was drawing closer as we all bolted at top speed. "67," said 52,"Get in there and deactivate that ray shield. We'll hold them off until you can retrieve the hard case."

"Alright. Don't let a single droid in," I said. Turning to he Jedi, I said,"Initiate infiltration mode."

The Jedi deactivated his lightsaber and hooked it to his belt. He slowly walked at a low crouch into the building. I took the lead, switching on the headlights in my training helmet as we walked into the entrance at the bottom of the citadel.

Fear coursed through my body. I couldn't see anything except for the bright light of my headlights. If I got hit, nobody would be able to come in and get the chip.

My mind drifted back to what Commander Alpha said as I began to walk up a flight of stairs. "Stealth is the most important thing in a mission. If your behind enemy lines and blow your cover, the entire op is ruined."


Looking down at my feet, I realized that I had walked through a red laser that had apparently triggered an alarm.

"Agh, kriff it!" I cursed. Alpha would be so proud of me. I had forgotten. The Jedi was supposed to take the lead. He would use his "mystical Jedi powers," to cloak our presence. Turning to the Jedi, I said,"Initiate attack mode!"

The Jedi's hand dropped to his lightsaber and ignited it. A squad of four droids ran down the stairs that I was walking up.



My DC-15 heavy rifle kicked backed against my shoulder as I blasted two of the droids. The Jedi swung his holographic lightsaber down at an approaching battle droid, and he cluttered lifelessly to the ground.

But the Jedi had left a gap in his defense. As he had swung down on the droid, he had left his left shoulder exposed. I leaped in front of him, barely catching the blaster bolt fired off by he droid.

"Agh!" I shouted. My right shoulder was going completely numb, and my arm along with it. If it had been a normal shot, it would have blown my whole arm off, but training bolts just numbed you. Unnecessary parts like arms, a hand, a leg, or a foot, could be un-numbed by a special shot given to a cadet before each training mission. A critical area like the head, or chest would instantly knock you unconscious.

I reached with my left hand and grabbed my rifle and swung it at the droid, knocking its head off. I grabbed the shot off my belt and injected it into the place that didn't cover my arm, between my forearm gauntlet and tricep cover. The shot was specially designed to easily penetrate the black body glove that we wore and inject itself into the skin.

"Keep moving," I said to the Jedi. We were a few steps away from the command center, the top portion of the was blocked by a ray shield instead of the door. I took the chip off my belt and plugged it in to a panel on the wall. We slowly stalked in the room, occupied by two droids sitting in two chairs, observing the battle through the viewport.

I placed the barrel of my gun on the back of one of the droids head, just as the Jedi raised his lightsaber and prepared to swing at the droid.

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