Be Careful What You Wish For

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Berries had to attack the crow just enough to make it to the clinic, but not enough to get invited 'to the big house'. He managed to get a few throws under the bird's wing. The punches didn't break anything, but definitely put a crimp in any R&R plans the avian might have had in store. Two other birds hopped in and it was lights out for the corporal.

It was a different room he woke in now, having a larger window with some widely spaced bars. Easy enough to slip through, if it weren't for the straps holding him on a table. Given that information, maybe he was in the big house. If that were the case, he hoped his smoke would be Army green. Or at least be seen during an attack by his patrol.

The door creaked open only a little bit, courtesy of his friendly neighborhood nurse entering the room with some medical tools. She must be getting tired of taking care of me, he thought. The door then moved open a bit more so a rather fat guinea pig waddled in, with some sort of clear glass thing strapped across his eyes. Berries' expectations dropped when the door opened further, letting in a large crow and an almost equally sized bluejay. His head rolled to the side and looked at the bars again. The big house, he sighed to himself. What little lifetime was left in him was about to suck even more.

The bluejay approached the table as the crow took the guard position near the door. Nurse Petal and the pig, a medical doctor, hopefully, went to work checking their tools.

"You do not seem to be adjusting to our rules in this facility.", the jay said in flawless Squirrel. "I understand a soldiers' need to escape, but", he splayed his wing across Berries' injured body, "even before this latest attempt, you wouldn't have made it five hundred yards from camp."

"Don't underestimate a squirrel's will to live.", replied the corporal. "Or to get well enough to take you on in a fair fight." He flexed his paws in the restraints as emphasis.

"As I understand it, you started an unfair fight and you, personally, lost." The bluejay waved a wing over the laid out squirrel. "But to every cloud there is sunshine behind it, yes?"

The guinea pig pushed the wheeled cart over to Berries' table. He addressed the bluejay subserviently, "All is ready, major."

Before the bird blocked his view, he saw Nurse Flower standing as far away as possible from the table, trying not to let the tears leave her eyes.
Nibbles had to admit: being a POW wasn't all that bad. Getting locked in a room at night took a little getting used to. But then, it wasn't much difference from lights out at camp. Only, sometimes, the Avians got a little harsh with their questioning or pushing him around, but the Colonel always interrupted before they went too far.

The Colonel. In a lot of ways, he wasn't very different than his own commanding officer, he thought. Aside from being a bird, that is. Not directly friendly, but not angry or evil either. Nibbles expected questions about troop strength and locations, but the avian never seemed to ask him about that. Nibbles thought that was odd, but what they did talk about; how the troops entertained themselves, who got stuck digging latrines, and what kind of food did they got to eat - it was stuff he would've talked about with anyone.

His thoughts were interrupted by a small bird; a wren or something. He never had done well in avian identification class. It must either be time for food or a chat, he thought. In the beginning, they sent pairs of burly crows, but after a few talks, the colonel got Nibbles to promise not to try any tricks.

"Special day for you,", the wren said crackedly. "Guests with the Colonel want to talk to you." The wren made way for the squirrel to exit.

Nibbles experienced a moment of fright, as his conversations with the colonel had either been one-on-one, or he had an aide taking notes. They were always pleasant, even peaceful. So the idea of the Colonel having guests implied questioning that would be of more importance. He hoped he could keep from saying anything useful, but to his knowledge, he had yet to divulge any military secrets.

The pair made their way along dingy, debris strewn corridors until they reached a room with an outrageously sized table surrounded by a great many chairs. It had an air out authority, but covered in layers of bird filth, Nibbles could only wince at the smell. At the other end of the room, four Avians perched, two on the table and two on nearby chairs. The wren tapped him on the back to send him forward. As he did, the Colonel and his guests took notice.

"Ah, Private Nibbles! So good of you to come. Let me introduce you to my friends." His friends were an old owl, a falcon, and a crow who had seen better days. The owl made a movement that could be consider a wince, when the word friend was uttered.

"Generals Tak, Malf, and Keshaw.", the Colonel said, pointing to them in order. He noted Nibbles' uncomfortableness. "Don't feel nervous Nibbles. I report to them, the same as you report to your superiors. They are interested in our previous discussions. I thought we could sit together and discuss an idea that would benefit us all."

Nibbles was at a loss for words. What could he possibly contribute that these birds would want? He was trained to fight these creatures, but aside from some crows, everyone treated him nicely. He stammered out a reply.

"Nnnnooo sir. I mean, I'm just a private. And you all are officers. I just don't understand what I can do."

Malf, the falcon, spoke up. His neck feathers pricked up as he managed the sounds of the mammal language. "We are here to train you as an emissary between our two species."

"Emissary? What's that?", Nibbles responded.

The owl spoke first. "An emissary, is someone who speaks on behalf of another. While we could send one of our own, we feel that a mammal, like yourself, could negotiate in our stead."

"Negotiate what?"

"Why, peace of course!", the colonel expirated. From my talks with you, it sounds like the mammals are just as sick of fighting as we are. And we'd like you to go back and speak to your leaders for us. We don't attack you, you don't attack us. Everybody wins." The owl crossed his wings in front of him, a peaceful gesture designed to hide his talons.

Nibbles looked at the birds, Avians - he corrected himself. Wow, he thought. This was beyond big. Which provided him with his next objection. "But, shouldn't this be officer business? I'm just small beans. Even a noncom would be better than me. Corporal Berries, the other squirt I was captured with, he's educated and all."

"Unfortunately, the corporal was able to escape, some days ago. Injured a few of my Avians in the process. Nothing too serious, but it showed a definite lack of,", the Colonel paused for the right word, "empathy."

The private sort of knew what the word meant, but he was also pleasantly surprised that Berries got away. He chastised himself for not trying to do the same, but then he wouldn't have learned of this plan. He didn't think himself the hero type, but if he could get the two sides to a peace table, well that would be something.

"So Private, what are you think?", the last of the generals asked. "Can we count on you to work with us to end this war?" The bird cocked his head to the side after asking.

Nibbles thought of the acclaim and prestige he would receive when this plan came together. "Okay, I'll do it.", he said decisively. "What do I need to do?"

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