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"T-T-Tasia?" Ximena bit her lip, feeling more tears press against her eyes, her lower lip quivering.

Tears should have fallen but crying over a boy? Really? After all she had gone though. He had no right she would repeat to herself over and over again, no right to control her emotions then why did she feel so weak?

"Mena?" That nickname made tears finally roll down her cheeks.

It had been ages since she spoke to her brothers and parents. She felt so guilty.

"W-Why is my li-li-lif-life so hard?" She whispered.

"I don't know" she played with the strands on her long blonde hair "I wish I had been there since this whole mess started- seventeen long years ago"

And maybe if she had cried so much her eyes were too puffy to blink she would have taken notice what she had said.


Ambrose was ignoring her and he made it to obvious, not just because he had moved over what seemed like a hundred seats away from her. Rumors developed that the apparent young couple had broken up or were hiding their immense love for each other due to the publicity it had accidentally gotten. Before she knew it people begun to call her Mrs. Ambrose Ximena Almeida, yes it made her blush mad crazy but the other half was so upset with the young boy who she hoped felt just as guilty.

"XIMENA" Ximena flinched as she heard Isabella's loud and daunting voice.

Staring at her from her pillow she tried as much as possible to glare at her.

"That's even more depressing" a familiar deep voice whispered.

"Ch-Ch-Chaz?" She croaked out.

"Yes, me, Chaz" he dragged the z in his name.

"G-G-Get out" she mumbled.

"My best friends the dick not me" he raised his hands defensively.

"Is he?" Isabella smirked "Is he really the only dick?"

"Okay, maybe I'm kinda dicki-"

"Can you n-n-not say that wo-wor-word?" Ximena complained "And any o-o-other c-c-curse word"

"Yes ma'am" Chaz did a mock salute then bounced on her bed.

"C-C-Can you also not do th-that-that?" She peered at him through her eyes.

"So many demands" he rolled his eyes.

"W-W-Well you are on my b-b-bed" she rolled her eyes at him or at least tried to.

"Forget all that, yeah?" he rubbed her arm "We are going to a party"

"You are g-g-going to a p-p-party and came to tell me this piece of in-in-in-info-information for what reas-reasonon?" She mumbled.

"Because you're coming with" he smiled.

"I-I-Isabella please take your bo-boy-boyfriend out of my presence" Ximena shoved her face back into the pillow.

"So sassy these days" Chaz mumbled.

"He is not my boyfriend, Mena" Isabella smiled so sickly sweet "And if you must know you are by all means attending this party- I've picked this sweet dress for you, you'll love it"

"I'm not i-i-interested so pick y-y-yourselves up and le-lea-leave me be" Isabella ignored her words and pulled her up

"Go freshen up okay"

She grabbed her face, squeezed her cheeks, gave her a kiss on her cheeks and waved her goodbye.

Ximena stared at their retreating body with so much anger yet she found herself leaving to her bathroom so do as she said.

Finding AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now