Chapter 4

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12 Hours Ago

"What movie should we watch? And we have to finish it this time." Carter is sprawled out on my couch scrolling through the titles on my screen.

"Carter, I can't watch a movie right now. I have an article due soon that I haven't even started yet," I respond as I power up my laptop that's at my work desk on the side of the living room.

"Gem, it's Sunday. You shouldn't be working on a Sunday," he says with a frown as he continues to scroll.

"Tell that to my boss."

"Okay, give me her number. I'll call her up and tell her she's stealing my girlfriend from me."

"We've been hanging out since the Farmer's market. I really need to do work now. So, please can you put headphones on or something?" I open the notes app on my phone alongside a blank document on my computer.

He shuffles into an upright position and dishes a heavy sigh before dropping the words, "Gemma, we need to talk."

Please not now. "What is it?" I turn around to face him.

"I think we should take a break."

A wave of ice slides through my body, freezing me in my spot. I stare at him, waiting for him to reveal the punch line to the joke. A break? What does that even mean? "W-what?"

"I just feel like you're always working, and you don't have time for me anymore. Maybe it'll be good for us to take some time a part to think about things."

"What? What are you saying?" This can't be happening.

"I feel like I'm always competing for your time with your work, even when we're together. Also, when I take you out on dates you're never eating because you already just ate. I look like such a moron eating by myself at restaurants while you just sit there." Carter leans forward huffing out while shaking his head.

"You can come with me on my work dinners, you know? I've been saying that for years!" I scrunch my nose, looking at the equally agitated man in front of me.

"No, I can't!" Carter's voice rises, making the hairs on my neck stick up. "I absolutely cannot. You know why? Because you would be on your phone the whole time, not even giving me a glance! I'm sick of it, Gem! I really think we should take time to re-think our plans." He stands up.

"Wait! Please, we can work this out! We already have it all mapped out!" I think about the conversations we've had about eventually getting married. We both want kids someday, so we recently decided we'd continue dating for two years before we'd set that plan in motion. It seems like a good amount of time for us both to get further along in our careers before getting married. It's all set up for success; we just need to keep working hard on it.

"How can we have a two-year plan if you already have a twenty-year plan with your job? I don't see how this will work out if it keeps going the way it does. I need more from you, Gem."

Ouch. Everyday I happily give so much to Carter. Relationships are hard work, and you don't get to reach your goals without putting in the time. This is just a small little blip in the timeline of our relationship.

I take in the blonde man standing before me. He's unquestionably handsome. The first time I met him was over two years ago. As luck would have it, one of New York's most successful bankers bought me a drink in a restaurant I was critiquing. After that first chat, I realized he ticked every single one of my boxes. The perfect man. He has a framed resumé in his office to prove it. Now with the possibility of an actual break up, a wave of nausea seeps through me. "So, what, we're just going to put two years worth of time together down the drain?" I stand up, facing him. Carter is the only person I've dated seriously, the only man for me.

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