Chapter 8

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Today is a new day. A clean slate to start fresh on mission Takeover Logan's Renovation. So far, things are looking up. Carter called and we talked for an hour or so about our two-year plan towards marriage and how he didn't mean everything he said.

"Babe, sorry I was so weird! I love you and I miss you," Carter said on the phone.

"It's okay. I'm so glad everything's fine," I responded. We talked as if nothing was amiss. There are far too many things fighting for headspace right now, so I'm glad to resolve at least something.

With a case of Oreos in one hand and a Starbucks to-go cup filled with milk in the other, I take in a deep breath and head in through the main entrance of Perusing Port. Immediately James and Stefanie perk their heads up and smile widely.

"You came!" Stefanie jumps and wraps her arms around me. I force a smile and fidget slightly at the foreign feeling of receiving a hug. That doesn't seem to deter Stefanie though. She clasps her hands together in front of her. "We've been bugging Logan all day yesterday! I think we've softened him up!"

"And he's way more open to the idea of you helping! Just you wait and see for yourself! He's in the back room, go head on over!" says James, nodding.

"Thanks guys," I say feeling a little more confident as I process their words.

I tiptoe through the void of life and eerily calm space, which is uncharacteristic of a New York City restaurant's kitchen. Tina and Pedro must not be here yet. I knock on the door to the back office and a moment later Logan's voice booms through the wood, "What is it? I'm busy!"

Alarm bells instantly ring in my head and I grind my teeth. Yeah, right. Soft as a teddy bear.

Before I can respond, the door swings open. His musky scent mixed with spices I can't place fill my nostrils. Our eyes meet and my stance wobbles. I'm ready for hell to rain down. "Oh God, not this again." Logan's eyes roll as he heads back towards his seat. He doesn't slam the door in my face, which is a baby step in the right direction. I stand up straighter and walk into the office.

"Please. I'd just like to talk. I brought a peace offering." I hold up the Oreos and milk I have in my hands and place them on his desk.

Logan smirks. "So, you did your homework? Did you want a gold star and a pat on the back for a job well done?"

Stay calm, Gem. Don't let him get to you.

"No, it's just my way of saying sorry about yesterday. I didn't really explain myself very well and I'd like to explain myself now if you're open to it?" I shrug, but brace myself for whatever snide remark Logan will say next.

To my surprise, Logan simply nods towards the other open chair in the room. "Alright, let's just get it over with."

I quickly sit before he can change his mind. "Listen, I'm not here to turn everything upside down. I get it. It's annoying when someone comes in clanging on about changing everything. I read back through my article numerous times, and I think there are some small things we can do together, with your permission of course, that could help this business. It would be beneficial for all parties involved. You, me, and your staff."

He shifts in his seat and I press on. "It can still be what you want, and at the end of the day, you'll have the final say on everything. Maximum it would be giving my opinions on the cosmetic updates here and there to help with ambiance and introducing a couple of new dishes."

The pensive man before me scratches the back of his head. I briefly wonder if he does that just to showoff how big his bicep is, but then quickly shake the thought from my mind. He clears his throat. "There is a lot riding on this renovation. How can I trust you won't mess it up? I don't really know you."

"Well, if you look at other articles I've written you'll see I really know what I'm talking about. Plus, if this messes up then it'll be my name on the line just as much as yours."

Furrowed brows mark Logan's face. "I don't know. It all just seems too risky. I'd really rather not –"

Before Logan can say anything else, I utter the words that I know will be the smoking gun. "I'll give you five thousand dollars to help with the renovation."

With eyes wide, Logan immediately stands up.

This is it. He's officially going to smack me across the face.

Without stating a single word, he abruptly heads towards the door. He pauses for a moment before tilting his head towards the kitchen, motioning for me to follow him. I comply and we make our way to the dining room where James, Stefanie, Tina, Pedro, and another person who I assume is Billy the school kid, are chatting away. They immediately freeze when they see us approaching.

"Attention staff. I have an announcement to make," Logan says after clearing his throat. I shift and glance around at the bright eyes before me. "Gemma here, will be joining the team on this renovation. Staff meet Gemma. Gemma meet the staff."

Gasps and smiles. I can't help but grin in return. Logan continues, "End of announcement."

"So nice to meet you, Gemma!" says Stefanie while raising her hands in the air.

"Whaaaaat! This is such a surprise! So unexpected! We didn't know anything like this was on the radar! So, wild!" James says a little too dramatically that I wonder if Logan is buying any of it.

Logan turns toward me. "Let's head back to my office, there is a lot to discuss."

I nod, but before I can follow on his heel, a swarm of people surround me.

"Yes, girl! We knew you could do it!"

"Thank you so much for helping us!"

"We're so excited! This will be the best thing that happened to Logan."

"Hi, I'm Billy."

"Señorita! Way to go!"

I giggle. I've never felt like a very enjoyable person to be around but the smiles surrounding me are filled with so much warmth, an unfamiliar tinge sweeps through me. "Nice to meet you, Billy. I'll be catching up with you all later. Thanks for all the help and support." I take in a deep breath in before heading back to Logan's office.


Alright, alright, alright (said in my most Matthew McConaughey voice), Gemma now has her foot in the door on this renovation! Any predictions as to how things will go? Drop a vote if you're interested to see what happens next! Thanks for reading! ♥️

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