Chapter 12: Practicing on the fears (3/7)

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Rubble: How about we do Zuma next?

Zuma: I know that crocodiles can live in a swamp, so how about we do Skye first then we could go where Tracker's place.

Chase: They can also live in ponds too, you know

Zuma: I know, but I want Skye to go first then me. Is that okay with you?

Chase: *Sighs* Fine...

Skye: Don't worry Chase, it's just practice. I'll be fine, trust me

Chase's mind: I really hate it when she says that, next thing I know she's not gonna be fine at all.

Chase: Ok, I'll trust you...

Skye: That's the spirit, come on guys!

"And they all went back into the lookout, the scene now goes to Skye flying in her helicopter in the air. Chase wasn't there in the scene, but the others were. Everest was talking to Skye on the pup tag to tell her what to do when the eagle attacks in either ways."

Everest: You sure you got all of the movements I told you to do?

Skye: I sure did Everest

Everest: Good, now let's practice them. First, the rush and reverse.

"Skye then flies her helicopter in normal speed, if she flies it too fast in the distance they won't be able to know what she did. She then proceeds to reverse her helicopter to go down-right."

Everest: Dodge down, left and then right.

"She then proceeds to do what Everest told her to do, and she moves her helicopter down, left, and finally right."

Everest: And finally... To make the eagle dizzy from trying to attack you. Your gonna lift your helicopter up, and after that your gonna do the loop-de-loop.

Skye: That seems very high up don't you think?

Everest: Your not just gonna go way high up. Your just gonna go up, and then loop-de-loop repeatedly until the eagle is dizzy. Now that could knock him out

Skye: Really? I-I think I'll save that one for later

Everest: Ok then, whatever you say. You can come down now *Hangs up*

"She then landed her helicopter down, and hopped off of it."

Zuma: Now that will surely take down that eagle dude

Rubble: I can't wait to see the look on Chase's face on how great you did

Rocky: Speaking of which, where is he?

Rubble: We'll have to go and find him then, he must be in his puphouse

Everest: Last I checked, he wasn't there

Zuma: I think he might in the lookout tower

Rocky: Great idea Zuma, let's go check in there

"All except for Skye were running towards the lookout tower, but Everest stopped as she heard a whisper."

???: *Whispers* Psssst, hey Everest. Do you have a sec?

Everest: Sure thing Marshall, what is it?

Marshall: I... Wanted to give you a little something.

Everest: What is it?

Marshall: *Grabs out a rose and shows it to her* It's for you to put on your head, so you can look... *Blushes* You know... Dashing

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