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He made me sit on the only bench --- placed near the haunted house like it belonged to the people who lived in it --- but didn't let go my hand.

"You're going to see the doctor, right?" He faced me with gentle expression, later they changed into hard ones when I shook my head in denial.

"Iliana, stop being stubborn and go to the hospital, right now." He growled, but didn't lose his gentle side, so he wouldn't scare me.

"I--" i coughed as soon as I let out a word.

"Don't talk, see need to get yourself checked." This time he pleaded with his soft eyes.

'I'm sorry, but i can't.'

I frowned, feeling bad to resist him again and again. I opened the bottle with the other hand and sipped a good amount of water at two-three go.

I took a breath, collecting the air in my lungs. "Why would I go?" I demanded. I was trying to oversmart him this time. So, i questioned him back.

He hesitated at first, "'cause you're sick." He said, lightly.

"No, i am not." I fired back. "How did you come in my house?" I couldn't stop myself but to ask the most appropriate question i had in my mind.

He contemplated before giving me reply, for a long moment. I waited, but he didn't form his words this time. "Why?" I threw another question, when I saw that he was caught up in my interrogation.

He looked away from me, he hadn't figured it out, what to say at the moment. Anger started filling my head, when all the horror memories rushed through me. How he always lied to me, in spite of knowing everything.

"Tell me Noah! I know you are hiding things from me." My voice came more loud than i imagined. "Are you liking, seeing me like this; clueless!?" My pitch broke when i choked, as the pain started getting more in my throat.
I coughed, the burning developed and made it harder for me to talk further.

Noah immediately patted his hand on my back and opened the cap, before handing me the water bottle.

"I am sorry!" His expressions were almost like begging, his eyes were so emotional. "This all happened because of me!" He graoned.


'Why is he saying that? He always saves me, so why is he saying the complete opposite?'

My eyes held his as the different emotions hit me. I put my hands to made him sit straight, looking at me. "What are you saying? It's not your fault!" I blubbered, "fine, don't tell me anything. But please, don't blame yourself." I pleaded. It was hard for me to see him like this, i could sense his miserable features.

"Listen, iliana..." He paused, probably concentrating on his words. My heart skipped a beat as my system got my name from his sweet, husky voice. I waited for him, a cold breeze rippled through my face.

"...i think, it's best for you to stay away from me."
This was the thing i could never think of. I hadn't even imagined, ever. I didn't even want to. Why would I stay away from him? I wasn't going to do that in any way.

"What's wrong with you!? Are you even listening to yourself!?" I stood up. My voice came out more of a shriek. I was bewildered, and abrupt. My breath caught in my lungs, just even thinking of this.

'Me! Stay away from him!? Not even in this whole life! Not after fighting with my thoughts and accepted what he means to me!'

I was fuming furiously, it wasn't his or anyone's place, not even mine, to say that to me.

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