Chapter 5

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A/N: All rights reserved


©2012 Neroli Laverack


The smell of eggs and bacon woke me up from my slumber; apparently my body tends to know when food is cooking. Good to know that I have an alarm system. I don't like to miss out on my food. Sitting up and stretching my legs I glanced over to the clock to my right and found that it was noon. Hmm. Then Charlie let me sleep in. That's good, I like my sleep-ins, couldn't get enough of sleep in my opinion. I don't think jet-lag has hit me as much as it thought it would.

Swinging my legs over the bed, I stretched again and yawned. Slowly waking myself up, I stood up and got my clothes that I was going to wear for the rest of the day. After getting dressed, putting my hair in a plait, I slowly walked down the hallway and down the stairs, while slowly making my way down I heard murmuring in the kitchen and figured that the family was having a conversation, keeping their voices low as not to wake me up. When reaching the corner of the kitchen, out of sight, I heard the last of the conversation that Charlie was having with Drew, "Come on. We have to tell Lou sometime..."

"Tell me what?" I said with a smirk plastered on my face, walking through to the kitchen, clearly showing everyone that I was eavesdropping on their conversation. "You know, it's quite rude talking about people behind their backs." I said with silent laughter gliding over to the fridge to grab myself a glass of juice.

I poured myself some orange juice and while sipping my glass I noticed that the family was weirdly quiet, obviously uncomfortable with me barging in on them without any prior warning. Rolling my eyes internally I decided to ask about lunch, because most of them were still frozen in an uncomfortable stance.

"Okay, what's for lunch?" That seemed to bring them out of their stupor. Charlie smiling her angelic welcoming smile, handed me some bacon and toast, I noticed that the eggs and bacon looked like a smiley face. Really? How old was I? Five?

I rolled my eyes at the plate in my hands.

"Really Charlie...a smiley face?" tilting the plate to show Charlie's handiwork. "What am I? Five?" I repeated to Charlie.

All she did was laugh while flipping some eggs in the fry pan, "Well, of course not. But I thought you'd want something to remind you of the breakfast you used to have," She glanced over at me, giving me a wink. "Now, eat. We have more and other food as well. Since we let you sleep in after the huge day you had yesterday."

I nodded my head, rolling me eyes in response. "Yes, Okay," I grabbed the knife and fork and dug into my 'brunch' as people say. I groaned this stuff is good. "Uh, I haven't had this in a while, it is so good!"

Drew stared at me incredulously. "You mean to tell me you haven't had bacon in a while, not even in America?"

I stared at him, rolling my eyes at the last part of his sentence. "Yes, I have had bacon in America but lately I haven't had the time. Work's been busy. We've had a bigger influx of clients and I didn't have time to give myself the luxury of bacon."

Drew, smiled in understanding, giving me a pat on the back for good measure, "Well, good thing you're having some now."

I gave him an annoyed grimace, punching him in the arm.

Charlie cleared her throat to settle our little ruffle, "So Louise, how is the job over there? Good pay and everything like that? I hope the boss isn't a bitch."

I groaned. Why did I know they were going to ask me that? I knew that they'll bring up work some way or another. I ran my fingers through my hair. "The jobs good...Lillian was in a fairly good mood when she let me come back here. Which is out of character for her because we have had a higher influx of clients and this is the busiest it has been all year. So she must like me in some way or another." they all nodded and I brought up what they were talking about in the kitchen before I came in. Charlie just shook her head and said that I didn't need to worry about it.

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