Chapter 8

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© 2012 Neroli Laverack

All Rights Reserved


Charlie was asking me to fold a few more napkins in the kitchen. It was a great idea; even though she doesn’t know why, but it sure calmed me down and made my heart stop beating as if was going to rip itself out of my chest. I took a few deep breaths, closing my eyes in the process. Calm down. I repeated for the last and final time.

 I opened my eyes again and placed another folded napkin on the pile. I glanced down at my watch and noticed that it was quarter past twelve and I still hadn’t had a decent conversation with the people out the back, and usually I could talk people’s ears off.

 Glancing to my left, leaning on the bench, I looked out and noticed all the friends and family that gathered for Mindy and Harry’s engagement party, a smile spreading across my face, seeing the enjoyment and happiness of my friends.

 Over these past few days I’ve wondered how they met and got together. I mean it felt kind of weird to hear that they were engaged at first and then to think that they had been going out for a couple of years, but I was happy they found each other, if they were happy I was happy.

As I skimmed the pods of people I saw Theo, and as usual he was staring right back at me. I quickly averted my gaze upon seeing his eyes, bouncing off the bench using my hip and headed towards the bathroom. I needed to go to the bathroom.

After washing my hands and splashing my face to calm myself down, I heard voices in the kitchen. When I rounded the corner I found Charlie and Elle cutting up some strawberries to put on the cake, talking quietly. The sight of the cake making my mouth water, I hadn’t had much to eat today which was surprising because I normally ate like a horse, the talk between mum and dad and the surprise of seeing Theo kept me occupied. I quickened my pace when the smell of melting chocolate and strawberries filled my senses, startling my sisters when I barged into the kitchen.  Their heads snapped up to meet my eyes, their conversation must have been deep because their faces seemed alarmed.

I smirked and rolled my eyes, laughing at my two siblings. “Gosh. Don’t be so surprised to see me.”

My sisters laughed and continued with cutting fruit and placing it on the chocolate mud cake, it was a colourful design, they were spreading the strawberries out like a fan, the words ‘CONGRATULATIONS MINDY AND HARRY’ were intricately written in white icing in the middle of the cake. “Well, we didn’t actually hear you. We thought we were the only ones in here.” Elle replied with a flick of her hair and an eye roll my way. I smirked and huffed, placing a hand on my hip. “Okay. Do you guys need any help?”

Charlie and Elle shook their heads, “No. We’re almost done here anyway. But what you can do is gather everyone around the main table outside.” I nodded my head in response and turned to head outside to the backyard, hearing Elle and Charlie continue their private conversation quietly. I stepped outside and noticed everyone in their own conversations.

 I scanned the backyard and decided now was the time to get everyone’s attention, even though it’s not the ideal way and it may be a little bit rude.

 Letting out the loudest and most ear piercing whistle I could hearing it echo around the vicinity, everyone stopped their conversations straight away and all heads snapped to me. It made me feel a little uneasy and I shifted my feet to steady myself, I quickly hid it when I told everyone to gather around the table for the cake. Just as I said those words, Charlie and Elle came out of the house with the cake and two candles symbolizing Harry and Mindy.

 I gathered with the others, sitting on a chair close to the table and my family, crossing my legs, I saw Mindy and Harry in front of the cake with massive smiles on their faces; it was obvious that they were having the time of their lives. Charlie set the cake on the table and they blew the candles out, everyone held their breath for Mindy and Harry to cut the cake. When the knife sliced easily through the cake everyone cheered and clapped. I smiled when Harry leant down and gave Mindy a quick kiss on the lips. They were so cute, my earlier bitterness towards them vanishing. I don’t know why I ever felt anything like that. They were happy, and therefore, I was too.

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