Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Lawrence takes my luggage in one hand, presses the fingertips of his free hand gently against the small of my back, and guides me through a swarm of travellers in the busy airport to our ride. We approach a shiny, black town car. An older, distinguished-looking gentleman dressed in a black tailcoat, and white gloves, greets me with a slight nod. He takes the suitcase from Lawrence and places it in the trunk. Lawrence opens the car door and helps me into the back seat, then slips in next to me. I check the time on my iPhone; it's 8 pm. Too late. I'll wait until tomorrow to give him the entire low down. I've waited this long, one more night can't hurt. His gaze—sticks to me like glue. It's giving off a heat I can feel from my head to my heels. Dear God, please give me the strength to do what I came here to do. A few seconds of awkward silence pass. Lawrence doesn't tell me where we're going, and I don't ask. I stare out the window at all the organized chaos. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to driving on the left side of the road. Anxious I chew nervously on my lower lip.

I think he senses my nervousness because he rests his hand on my knee. It feels nice; warm and reassuring—until his cellphone rings. He pulls the phone from his pocket with his other hand and looks at the caller I.D.

"Do you mind? His expression seems a bit flustered, "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important..."

"Of course not," I reply, his free hand still on my knee. There's un-deniable simmering happening between us; that mixed with the dizzying roundabouts causes me to feel queasy. Dammit, Savannah! Pull yourself together. You didn't come all this way to get sick now. I focus on the driver's hat and take deep, steady breaths. I gradually feel a sense of calm and my thoughts trail back home. It bugged me that I came so far on the premise of a lie. I lied to my family about where, and why I had to go away. That wasn't my style. Every minute that passes, I know I'm digging a deeper hole for myself. Candice tried warning me, she cautioned me about foreign countries, stranger danger, and online predators. If the tables were turned, I would have given the same warning, but I knew in my heart, Lawrence was no predator.

"How do you know for sure?" Candice asked, at least one hundred times.

"I just do," I replied stubbornly, equally as many times. She went as far as offering to come with me, but I turned her down flat. This trip was personal. It was about me, and Lawrence. He squeezes my knee and startles me out of my thoughts.

"You seem far away—is everything okay?"

"Uhm... yes...I'm fine."

"Sorry I had to take that call..." he eyes me compassionately.

"Don't be silly..." I mutter, "Your life isn't going to stop, just because I'm here."

"You're wrong Savannah. I promise you, the next three days, you, and only you will have one hundred percent of my attention." The way he looked at me when he said those words made me squirm. There was an undertone to it—a buildup, like something big, was about to happen. I look away and brush nonexistent lint off my jeans. I can't look at him, I feel naked—like he's undressing my mind, and knows how much I want him.

"There's something I've been wanting to ask you Savannah..."

"Ask me anything..." I reply

"Last year..." he hesitates and uses his index finger to pivot my face towards his.

"Yes," I reply barely audible.

"I was in Canada for business. I told you I would be there; why did you avoid my calls?" My eyelids flutter rapidly, and a pang of fear shoots through my chest. I had no idea he would bring that up now, and I had no good answer. So I lie.

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