Chapter 5

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Saturday Night


I wake up to a loud buzzing sound and blink the sleep away from my eyes. Taking in my unfamiliar surroundings, I quickly remember the unbelievable night Lawrence and I had, and the massive explosion he delivered me. There's a silk sheet draped over me. The alarm clock is on his side of the bed; he stretches his arm to turn it off. Incredibly, it's already noon, we've slept through the entire morning. I throw my legs over the edge of the bed and tug for the extra sheet to cover my nakedness. With my back to Lawrence, I rummage through my purse for my phone. There are two missed calls. Both are from Ben. I feel Lawrence run his finger down my back.

"Good morning sunshine, how was your sleep?"

"Peaceful..." I whisper

"You sure, you sound—"

"I'm fine," I cut him off, pinching the bridge of my nose trying to fight away a sudden, looming headache. I stare at Ben's profile pick above his name and send a quick message informing him that I'm here and I'm safe. I press send and turn my phone off. Delusional, that if I don't hear it ring—Ben's not calling.

"How was your sleep?" I ask Lawrence, stuffing my phone way down in the belly of my handbag.

"I haven't slept this well in years. I credit that to sleeping next to you."

I furrow my brows. "Are you serious?" I grimace playfully.

"Dead serious," he grins.

He rolls out of bed wearing nothing but his birthday suit, stretching his perfectly built back, and I quickly forget about Ben's text.

"We have much to do today beautiful," he announces. "I don't want to waste another precious moment. We'll have lunch here; then it's showtime, as you Americans say," he jokes.

"—Excuse me, I'm Canadian thank you very much," I smirk.

"Forgive me... North Americans," he corrects. He slips around to my side of the bed and kisses my lips. I blush. He's so tender, so chivalrous. I wonder what his previous relationship was like, and why it ended. It seems like he would have been such an obvious keeper.

"Shower and get dressed baby, lunch will be here shortly." Oh for heaven's sake! He has everything planned out to a T. I can't imagine what all this lavishness is costing him. He'll be so disappointed when he finds out this was all for nothing. Somberly, I lift myself out of bed and head toward the bathroom.

I walk into the living room, wearing a knock-off Versace, animal print, t-shirt dress and catch a glimpse of the hotel butler's tailcoat as he exits the suite. He left a cart with silver serving trays, a bottle of champagne and two champagne glasses. Lawrence enters the suite a moment later, fully groomed, and dressed to impress of course.

"Hey," he smiles, looking me up and down. "You look...breathtaking."

" do you," I gush, flattered, but equally impressed by his stunning appearance. Having waited so long to see him, everything about him seemed hyper-exceptional. Every time I looked at him, he appears more fascinating.

He pivots slightly, and points awkwardly behind him towards the door, "the butler informed me there was an empty room close by, I used it to shower and get ready, so we could save time," he murmurs.

"Okay..." I reply, sensing something odd in his voice.

"Sit, Savannah. Eat, I hope you enjoy what I've ordered."

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