Chapter 6

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Sunday Night


Find a way to tell Lawrence the truth Savannah, I tell my pitiful reflection in the mirror. It's late Sunday morning, I'm on a bathroom break from; me stuffing my face with room service, and Lawrence's face between my legs every chance he gets. In between, we have quiet pillow talk, and watch TV, or let the TV watch us. All I want to do is savor every moment I have left with him. However, sometime today, the truth will come out, Lawrence will have to deal with it, and I'll go home to the marriage life I asked for.

"Hey beautiful ..." Lawrence murmurs.

"Hmm...?" I reply, letting him use my thighs for pillows.

"What if we spend the entire day in bed?"

"May I think about it?" I ask.

"You may," he replies, I hear a smile in his voice.

A few seconds pass. "Why not," I sigh. What was the point of going out and wasting more of his money?

He crawls up to my face, sliding his tongue up my chin to my lips, teasing me, darting is tongue around my lips playfully, and I try and catch it with mine. When our tongues finally meet, they dissolve into each other and we nuzzle until Lawrence dozes off in my arms. I tiptoe out of bed and begin to pack my things for tomorrow's departure. I catch him watching me halfway into it. It's a sombre moment realizing that all things must come to an end.

"Savannah, I need you in my life..." He says softly. "Please stay."

My heart hurts, hearing him utter each word. I want to tell him I need him more, that I want to be here with him, that I'd do anything to prove it, but I hold my tongue. It would crush Ben, and my family would be disappointed in me. Telling Lawrence how I really feel wouldn't help. It would only make things between us more difficult.

I release a deep breath and continue packing.

Finally, he addresses the elephant in the room.

"I mentioned yesterday that I saw the ring on your finger...was this your plan? Did you plan to come to England for a marital break? Did you plan it at my heart's expense?"

"What do you mean, my plan?" I suddenly feel lightheaded and have to sit down. His suggestion is like venom to my ears. I can't lash out--it serves me right. After all this time, it's him, this poor, misled man that has to summon the guts to talk about the obvious. Why am I so fucking selfish?

"I know you more than you think, Savannah. I've spoken to you almost every day for the last two years. I'm not a fool."

"I know you're not, you're anything but..."

"Then why the secrets?"

"It's not a secret. You're wrong. I'm not married at all. It's...well...I'm engaged." I want to dig a hole and bury myself.

"You're engaged...?" Lawrence scoffs.

"Yes," I stare into my suitcase not wanting to face him. "It happened just after we began communicating." A hard lump forms in my throat. "I want you to know, you're a wonderful man. I've never met anyone like you, and I don't believe I ever will."

"So's over then?"

I can't stand the distress in his voice it's killing me. I feel as if I could die right here in front of him, and wouldn't mind. At least I wouldn't have to deal with any of this anymore.

"I'm sorry for lying to you," I cry out. "I came out here to tell you the truth, but just couldn't.

"You didn't really lie," he rebuts softly.

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