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It'd been three days since the end of that special test on the island. No other exciting events had occurred aboard the luxurious cruise ship that the Advanced Nurturing High School had provided for us, and we were enjoying the respite.

It went without saying that time spent on a deserted island had caused a bunch of young, rambunctious students like us to lose our minds. We, the guys, were basically beasts-sex-starved carnivores. While we watched the girls chattering and dilly-dallying like herbivores, the boys waited for an opening like the predators that we are.

'What is this? ' all of sudden the black fog surround the ship, slowly my vison become unclear, panicked sound revoiced through the ship. I immediately hold my breath incase the fog is poisonous and hurriedly goes to cabin, the path is established through my memories.

'This is dangerous', I suddenly felt my body become unstable, I felt a strong urge to sleep. 'How strong the effect is?'
My movement become slower as my urge stronger by time, I saw many student faint.

As I enter the cabin, my body can't really hold the effect anymore, 'this is different... this isn't poisonous cause', as a white room student, my body had developed better resistance against sick, virus, and even poison than average human being. 'Crap.. '

I opened my eyes to a dimly lit theater-like room, filled with comfortable seats and a large screen at the front. I looked around and saw that every student from Anhs Academy was here with me, looking just as confused and anxious as I was.

"What's going on?" I heard a voice ask from behind me. It was Koenji, always one to speak his mind. But, I rarely see hie become anxious even for a bit, but soon he is become composed

"I have no idea," I replied, shaking my head. "But I have a feeling that we're about to find out."

As if on cue, Horikita Manabu, the Student Council President, stood up among the crowd and addressed us all.

"Students of Anhs Academy, I don't know what's happening, but I do know that we're all in this together. Whatever comes next, we must remain united to protect ourselves. "

Inspired by her brother's words, Horikita also stood up among his classmates with the support of Kushida and Hirata. Horikita reassured the noisy class with a logical approach while Hirata and Kushida used a friendly approach.

Gradually, the anxious classmates became more composed, and even Karuizawa and her group, who had been the most loud and agitated, began to relax after Hirata approached them.

It was fascinating to watch as every leader reached their classmates and calmed them down. Ichinose used a kind-hearted and friendly approach, Ryueen, on the other hand, took a dictatorship approach and threatened his classmates into submission.

Despite the different methods used by each leader, one thing was clear - they all had their classmates' best interests at heart well probably not in class C. As we sat there in the theater, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such capable and caring leaders in our school.

As the initial anxiety and confusion began to dissipate, we all settled into our seats but I couldn't shake the feeling of unease in my stomach. What was going on? What did this all mean? Suddenly the loud sound and big screen on......

'What the' The absurd image is appeared in front of us

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'What the' The absurd image is appeared in front of us. The image that I couldn't imagine to be true. The photo of me and other girl, only half of them that I know, Horikita, Karuizawa Kei and Ichinose Honami. What's with this strange group? Sigh, This is troublesome. I felt like my peaceful life is in danger.

"Huh, that image ... It's our uniform.."
"That's not what important is.. Why the f*ck it looks like Riaju and his harem took album together" I sensed a worried, confused, jealous and all of feeling mixed in this room. Anyway relax they still doesn't recognize me in the picture-

"Isn't that Ayanokouji, oi Ayanokouji what the hell is that picture means, explain it to us" The three idiot that is Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou shout to me. Soon, everyone realized who's the boy in that picture. Many curious and all kind of glares soon directed to me.

"Kukuku, isn't that interesting, Suzune. It seems that you have a playboy in your class. Beside, all of girls come from different class kukuku" Ryueen Kakeru amused with this picture, sigh. With Ryueen put the oil in the fire, the situation turns heat.

Horikita : "Don't just call my name name without my permission!" Angrily shout Horikita

Sudou : "That picture really strange, Suz-Hirikita since when do you cut your hair? " Horikita appears silently stare the picture with thoughtful look.

'Fufufu, what a surprise, although the situation seems not improved instead I get information that the masterpiece itself attend this high school.'

Manabu : " Everyone, please silent. I understand that the whole situation seems very confusing even for me. But we have to clarified the situation first. " Soon everyone behaved and composed as the Student council president stood up.

Honami : "President, this picture, I admit that I know all of them but we never meet together let alone took pictures. " Soon all of people in the picture testify what Honami said. Come to think of it, this picture really strange to me. Let aside the air, Horikita's hair is short. This is so absurd, perhaps-

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