Chapter 12

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Hi... I'm still alive.... I'm struggling with life's circumstances, and I'm still struggling until now, but at least I was able to update this story...
I really thank you for keeping this story alive...

Anyway, enjoy this chapter (there is some violence) (T_T)


Eruhaben quickly returned to the Black Castle

Cale laid the unconscious on the bed and started to examine him.

'he is fine...?'

Eruhaben marveled, although Cale had a high fever, there was nothing wrong with his body..
'Is it like that time?'

Is he in the same state as the time he read thousands of books.

'Maybe it is, but...'

Eruhaben suspects that things are a little different this time.
It wasn't that bad.

Suddenly the door opened forcefully
"Eruhaben! What's up?!"

She was Lord Sheritt, Eruhaben called her as soon as he reached the castle to check on Cale, she was more experienced than him..

Lord Sheritt saw Eruhaben's worried face and turned to look at the red head on the bed.

Cale was unconscious, his red cheeks indicated his fever, his heavy breathing and his expression....he was in bad shape..

"I found him unconscious in his room in the duchy. His body is fine..but I still suspect there is something wrong."

Sheritt quietly approached and started examining Cale..

“Apart from the fever, his body is in good shape…but.”

Sheritt frowned and lifted her hand from Cale's forehead..


“Maybe… I’m not entirely sure but… the problem is his mental state.”

"What do you mean?"

“Eruhaben… Surely something happened before you came here… What happened when you were in the Duchy?!”

Eruhaben sighed and covered his eyes.

“…the da*n idiot fathe-…, the idiot duke had a bad reaction to Cale’s fact…”

Then Sheritt sighed and covered her face with her hands.

"the idiot duke"

Then Eruhaben noticed something...

“Wait… Sheritt-nim, do you know the truth about Cale?!”

Sheritt was not with them during Cale's announcement so Eruhaben did not expect Sheritt to know about this... unless Cale had told her beforehand..

“Yes.. Cale told me himself… As the father of my child Aron, he felt he had to at least tell me this… Even though he was the one who saved my child, made my dream come true, and made me live with Raon… Yet he felt like I was going to get mad at him and kick him out.If he tells me the truth..."

"Same with us...I reassured him and told him that the Duke would accept him....Tsk..I wish I had just killed that idiot..."

“...Was it that bad?”

Eruhaben, with eyes that concealed anger, looked at Sheritt.

"He yelled at him and cursed him... He called him a thief... He kicked him out of the house..... I really had to kill him..."

Sheritt stood up violently, her eyes wide open.

She remembered when Cale had told her his identity, she accepted him directly and didn't get angry at all..
She can't do this even if she try..

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