chapter 17

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Hello again!
here is this chapter before the second storm...
I mean the storm that attacks Deruth..
Oh, I want to say ..

*Your comments. make me. feel. very happy!!!!*

maybe don't realize how one comment makes me instantly get my energy back, I'm truly grateful to every person who reads this story and tells me how much they love it!!.
thank you.. truly thank you all (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)


Finally everyone sat down and calmed down a little

The group is still confused that these two know each other.

As far as they knew, cale had never met this person.


How does he meet someone from another world??


They need an explanation..

Cale tensed..

He doesn't know how or where to begin explaining.

He was sure it was usually easier, he always explained quickly and concisely.

So why he's confused now?

He has many ideas and problems in his head that make him not know exactly what to say.

"Um.. hyung, I assume you explained the most important details to them.. right?"

Cale finally spoke after a long silence..

Kim Rok Soo blinked before answering


'It's not like they'll let me in if I don't..'

Cale turned to the rest.

"So I think you understood everything?"

Alberu replied

"Yes, probably-"

"No we don't understand"

He was interrupted by a golden dragon.

Everyone turned to him and noticed that he was frowning and barely remaining patient, his eyes were shining and..

"I have several questions"

He seemed to want a precise explanation, like a father who wants to hear about a misfortune his son has committed.

Cale became nervous as he nodded, causing Eruhaben to start with the first question.

"It seems to me that you have known him for a long time, but we have not seen him before this time. Explain."

He said, crossing his arms and crossing one leg over the other.

'Why does he look angry?'

cale answered, although he was nervous.

"I met him for the first time when I fainted in the final war with the White Star." He didn't notice how everyone's expressions darkened when remembering Cale's condition at that time. He looked at Ron and continued, "I told you so... but that was where we actually exchanged bodies and names."

Everyone was silent, waiting for more.

"Then after the war ended, we started meeting randomly in dreams, and several times...that's all."

"So this is his first time in this world, after you two exchanged?."

Cale turned on Rok Soo and stared at him.

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