Chapter 13

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Sorry for the delay, it was supposed to be at least one month, anyway, this is the new chapter, I hope you like it. o(╥﹏╥)o
I think I will start shortening the chapters to update faster.. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Suddenly Cale saw the silver hair of a familiar person.


Fredo von Ejellan, King of the Eternal Kingdom.

Cale didn't have any energy to be surprised anymore

Just how does this person come today of all days?

And why at this particular bad time?!

Cale said with all an ounce of disrespect.

“.. Can I even think of why you came here?”

“Oh my God, this is the first thing I hear from my son after such a long time!?”

Cale sighed in response to Fredo.

"I'm nobody's son here."

And Fredo ignored him

"I'll consider myself out of the word --here--".

Cale gave him a look that said you were hopeless.

Silence for a moment, then Fredo spoke.

".. so...."


Cale looked at Fredo's bright smile.

“May I know where is this &#%$ Uncle ?”

Cale's eyes widened

'Wow.. even this person can swear like that, this is something new.'


'Wait...did he hear me?!'

Cale pretended not to know..

"what are you talking about?"

“Hmm? Come on son, you know that uncle who told you nonsense.”


"Don't feign ignorance"

“....Why do you even want to know?”

Fredo sighed and sat elegantly on the grass in front of Cale.

"Obviously, kill him."

"Why would you kill him?"

The vampire's face is blank.

“.....I just can’t respond to the way you think I will tell you bluntly, I want to kill him because he said stupid and wrong words to a person whom I esteem and consider as my son, who is you.”


" I hope your thick head understands this"

Cale couldn't respond to this, he really didn't have the energy to respond to this.

"So, where is he? I'm serious."

Fredo's gaze was sharp, so Cale answered him sincerely

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