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Hello/Bonjour! Welcome!

This story came to fruition through a combination of three ideas I'd had, but never fully formed into a fleshed-out plot: 1) superheroes doing missions under a council of sorts, 2) magical realism with sorcerers, and 3) a previously hidden magical city, now made visible in the modern world.

I first tried my hand at fantasy a few years ago, but although I've always felt unhappy with that attempt, I have a special love and interest for this genre. So I'm trying again, this time from a different approach. The main settings are fictional, and the city of Haryun doesn't exist, but it takes place in the real world. Like in my past work with this same concept, I've placed Haryun in Canada, both to talk about subjects that are relevant to me, and to better show the divide between the sorcerers who live within Haryun and those outside of it.

In this story, magic is not just a concept. She is a living thing, though she isn't known for listening to rules. Magic flows through everything, whether it's a rock or an animal. She is everywhere and affecting everything, all at once. I would recommend checking out the definitions in the glossary at the end, since it will include a list of terms and other tidbits of information that may not be explicitly explained. This is low fantasy, in the style where you learn as you go along.

Content Warnings:
- The level of intensity during battle scenes is about the same as it was in Starlight. Which is to say that there is some danger, but no gore or extreme violence.
- Mild swearing.
- Some descriptions of sensory issues/overload and gender dysphoria (mostly in the Crash/Eli chapters).
- "Cult" vibes and manipulation (mostly in Harlow's chapters) though not explicit.

If you would like anything added to this list, please let me know!

Below are some character notes to keep in mind:

Harlow: She has inattentive ADHD and will 100% be forgetting items as soon as they are no longer in her line of sight. I gave her this soon after being diagnosed myself, which has been both eye-opening and a journey to self-accepting that sometimes my brain just... doesn't wanna cooperate. Is anyone from the main three NT? Probably not.

Crash/Eli: Uses two sets of pronouns, he/him and they/them. While some nonbinary people have a preference, some don't—and so for Crash, there are no preferred pronouns between the two. This means you can use both freely, and it doesn't need to be interchangeable within one sentence (but it can be). As some of my friends do for me, if you wish to use one or the other consistently, that is perfectly fine.

Lars: Has ARFID (an eating disorder). Unlike anorexia, for example, ARFID involves no distress over body shape or size. It is characterized by avoiding food intake based on type or sensory characteristics, often avoiding certain food categories entirely. Because of this, ARFID co-occurs with ASD and ADHD. I encourage you to think of it as more than just 'picky eating.'

This subject is one I've avoided discussing publicly for a long time, because it often leads to a lot of judgment. But it's my hope that I can represent myself, since I don't think I've ever seen a character with ARFID to date.

With all this being said, if anything ever isn't clear, please feel free to ask! I appreciate and welcome feedback :)

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