39: Brave

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"Sage—" Grant started to say, as if trying to overpower the sound of his voice. But it was too late. Way too late.

My eyes met Vale's. His whole demeanour shifted as his face fell along with his shoulders. Then he shut his eyes as if in silent acceptance, as if to say, I should have known.

I should have left a few minutes ago, ideally, but now I was stuck. The mixture of emotions got caught somewhere in my throat. Here I was, not a part of the Tetra, and I was the one who'd turned them down. Here I was, on the outside looking in, and I kept getting reeled in.

Honestly, I was starting to be fine with my place on the outside.

Heroes like those are not being honest. Guilt ate away at me as Harlow's words swirled around in my head. Was I letting her affect my decisions? Should I have let her go when I wasn't certain she'd turn herself in?

I didn't know. She'd called the Tetra heroes when she fought for the other side. Like she thought she was the villain.

My nails dug into my palms. In front of me, Sage lifted his to say, "We both know she's innocent, Grant."

The room swayed. I didn't even know what to do. Grant didn't flinch, as if Sage was remarking on the weather. As if the seconds of silence weren't still ticking, as if it was inconsequential.

I wasn't leaving now. They'd have to throw me out of the room. Wren would have to use her telekinesis to lift my legs.

Vale pinched the bridge of his nose. "Sage."

"You weren't there," Sage said, flat. "I was."

A ripple ran through the council. Grant sighed. Sachiko and Emiya remained tight-lipped, but not without exchanging another wordless glance. And Alec merely stood from his seat, moving at a glacial pace.

"Let's continue this conversation in a moment," Alec said, leading Sage closer to the table so his voice didn't carry as far. Then he tipped his chin to Grant. "The walls."

The... walls? In an instant, the white surfaces surrounding me began to move the way they had during my training simulation, rearranging the layout. The table drifted to the corner, and the floor separated me from where Wren and Vale stood. Only a second later, the walls closed off.

I found myself on the other side of the meeting room sign. With a jolt, I spun around, trying to regain my sense of direction.

I mean, I guess I did overstay my welcome.

Maybe Harlow had a point. But even though the Tetra's discussion wasn't my business anymore, it was about my best friend. What was more was that someone else believed her. Was that why he hadn't attended Wren's speech? Why he'd been absent for almost the whole time I'd been at HQ?

So many questions. Before I could think too deeply about it, I hurried to the simulation room.

Holding my watch to the door, it welcomed me into the vacant space. It was the one benefit of my choice—I got to explore the training options. At the computer screen, hundreds of scenarios populated. Target practice. Store rescue mission—the one I'd gone through with Sachiko. Near the top, a name caught my attention: Outer-city heist.

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