Chapter Five: Plan Set in Motion

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As said, Mark came for me in the morning and well it seemed that all was forgiven because once I got into his truck he just laughed and we blasted music in his car all the way to school. Just like the day before once we arrived i noticed Ayla and a group of people smiling and laughing to whatever Casey said infront of his vehicle. This time instead of getting mad I just calmly looked at Mark and he stared at me, and then the group and then back at me and i gave him a slight nod and we both got out of his truck and started for the entrance of the school.

"I just have to ignore it for now," I said making sure to resist taking even one glance over my shoulder in their direction.

"What do you mean for now," I looked to my left at him and he seemed a little excited like he knew I was planning something.

"I'll tell you after school," I held open the door for two freshman girls and then Mark, I proceeded right after all three of them.

"Wow Tyler, that was so generous of you," the brunette hugging a green Geometry book said to me as she flashed me a smile.

"What do you mean, doesn't everyone do that even for people they don't know." the brunette's friend began to giggle and was then nudged on the shoulder. Mark and I just looked at each other equally confused.

"Well it seems I know you and you don't remember me. Well just to remind you my names Aubrey Roberts and this is my friend Mary. I'm your neighbor.. Well I live across from you." her face turned a slight pink blushing showing how embarrassed she was probably seeming like a stalker that they lived near each other and he hadn't noticed or remembered her but she completely knew who he was.

"Oh my gosh. I know you, you're Casey's sister right?" Mark said looking at her then me with a smirk.

"Uh.. yeah.. He's m-my older brother." she stuttered probably a little surprised that this guy had a better memory then her actual neighbor.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I must have not recognized you. You look so different." I blurted out now realizing how familiar she looked. Both Mark and I started examining the girl in front of us like if she were some new found creature brought to earth.

"Huh! What! Well.. You see... Yeah I uh." she started to stammer leaning back the closer we got to examine her.

"It's called puberty you nit wits," Mary the redhead friend of hers said and began to giggle as she pulled Aubrey away from us and then called back behind her shoulder. "So nice meeting you Tyler maybe she'll see more of you soon and you'll remember her name next time." She then winked and waved with one hand over her head. This time it was my turn to blush, before I could respond both of them had merged into the sea of teens in the hall and were just apart of the crowd now.

"Hahaha, she got you," Mark began to laugh as he slapped my back repeatedly as I slumped over a little bit.

"Well in my defense the last time I saw her was when we were in middle school and our moms forced us to go to Casey's birthday party." Mark looked at me with a hand on his chin and began to nod in agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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