harry potter's cursed luck (mainly shows on Halloween)

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Chapter 3

harry potter's cursed luck (mainly shows on Halloween)

"Y'know, you still haven't told me why you're dragging me through the castle at... 1 in the morning."

Harry stumbled after Hermione, who was striding through the dark, empty halls confidently. The Maurader's Map is in her hands and she consults it every now and again, before continuing on her mission. Harry rubs his bleary eyes and huffs as he manages to catch himself from tumbling off of a stairway.

Hermione clicks her tongue. "Thank you Harry - I am perfectly aware of what I have and have not done yet. But first, I would like to confirm something that I think would help you immensely."

Harry sighs and follows, wondering why Ron hadn't been forced to join him on their trek through the castle at 1 in the bloody fucking morning. He swears quietly when he bangs against a knight armor, staring at it falls to the ground with a loud clang.

"Harry!" Hermione grabs his arm and tugs him along, moving rapidly through the castle. "Are you shitting me?" Harry begins praying when Hermione curses - she never did that unless she was ready to whack somebody with her 50-ton purse.

She tugs him straight into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and takes him to the sink. "Speak." Harry sighs and looks at the snake.

"§Open§" The sink rumbles and reveals the slide and Harry goes down with amble, closing his eyes against the rapid pace. He's shucked onto his feet and he stumbles forward, almost falling flat on his face in his tried state.

Hermione comes out and straightens herself. "Take me to the Basilisk."

Harry does so without protest though his mind is far more alert now. The Basilisk isn't smelly though you can tell that it is slightly rotted. Hermione makes a pleased sound and goes over to it, examining the pieces and parts. She runs her fingers over the scales and reaches her arm inside it's mouth, probably examining the venom sacs.

"Perfect! Okay... you can just amble around I guess... I need to take some stuff out of this..."

Harry rubs his face tiredly and walks away from her, leaving her to dissect the giant snake. Instead he goes over to the statue of Salazar Slytherin. He stares and runs his fingers over the old rock. His nails are caught in a small ledge piece and Harry blinks. He twists the ledge and tries to remember what it is that the clone of Tom Riddle said.

"§Speak to me Slytherin, Greatest of the Hogwarts Four§" The walls peels back and Harry enters, blinking at the sight of chambers and desks. An old cauldron is there, and it's made out of some sort of gemstone or crystal. Thick glass phials are lined along a wall, taking up 5 shelves. Old ingredients are fermenting in cupboards that he opens, the jars covered in thick layers of dust.

The bed is in pristine condition, the sheets silky and smooth, the pillow perhaps the softest he'd ever felt in his life. There is a bookshelf, 2 of them in fact, and Harry runs his fingers over the old journals.

He flips through a few of them, reading the potions recipes and old spells. There is a book of runes that has Harry gaping, the sheer complexity astonishing. Carefully he put the books back in their place and he continues his travels around the room. The desk is black with metal accents, and he opens the largest drawer, narrowing his eyes. It's smaller than it looks.

Harry reaches inside and runs his fingers over it. "§Open§" There is a small pop sound and he grins. He slides a piece of wood out and takes in a sharp breath. There's a wand, black and thin, and he picks it up carefully.

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