50 : Back to work

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Teju and karan reach the academy karan ask the driver to takd the luggage at his home and teju had moved in already

As teju moved in

She was engulfed in a hug which made her stumble but she hold her grounds

Teju stare at the faces who was looking at her expression and then kirti joined too

" Okay i get it you guys miss me leave me its getting sofacated to breath " teju said after a minute

" So how was the meet with your in laws opps i mean to be in laws" Rishabh said teasingly

" it was good met his family had good yummy home food "

"You Don't have to be go mean i will shut up " Rishabh said

They all know how much be craves home food

All chuckle karan come in and saw them having fun

" Ohh didn't there was an emergency like general called me and asked me to come as soon as i can "karan asked confused

" Well you are the team head so are you supposed to tell us " Ahad said

" Yaa but i thought you guys will be informed "

" Well if we didn't went out of city didn't mean we were not vacation " Ranveer said

" why are you both so senty " Teju asked

" Bcoz we want to have home food and want to meet parents but we couldn't go there for like just four five days " Ranveer said seriously

" You know sometime you shouldn't think but just do you know like if Your parents they have the courage to send you here so offcourse they will have the courage to let you come back " Tejasswi said

" Why you didn't discuss this with us " Kirti said

" She is right in your thinking that your parents won't be able to take the separation you guys miss an amazing opportunity " Ahad said

" well you can video call your parents after this meeting and about home food i had learnt to cook daal chawal from his mom if you want i can make them "

" Reallyyy " Rishabh said

" Yaaa "

They both engulfed her in a big hug

" guys guys you both are crushing me " Teju yelled

" Sorry Sorry "

" Its okay now let's move in "

So it was just Nisha and all senior's

Before moving in karan had called all of them to come with them ..

As they all move in

They saluted at the General

And stand in attention

" At ease officer's "

" firstly i know your vacation was supposed to end by tommorow morning but the ingot we had got was damn serious
The inner war message we had got Its based on stages and groups Like after either one group work or failed they have stages to terror they want to spread in country they want our country to fear living there normal live and to humiliate our  government we don't care about the political stuff but we can't let our country people to live in fear right ? "

They all nodded

" But this has made this mission so more dangerous and long and after all what you had gone through last time if anyone of the new officer wants to quit i will understand that " He pause and look at there faces but he was surprised they all nodd in negative " So i m sure your will power will help you  alot in future the next group that had activated is Women trafickking and organ selling group "

" and the worst part we have no information where this group will get active or is already started there work and what's the deadline "

Karan step ahead " Sir atleast we have a clue to start with and we would like to work in this from now on with my team and save our country people "

" Okay karan all the best you and your team may leave "

They all salute and move out to there team room

Reaching the room all stood silent

" Okay i m getting insane will someone say something " Rishabh said

" oo ji meinu tou pta hi ni hy ky kiya kehna hi jii "

" Guys we need to find the location " Karan said

" How are we gonna do that " Ranveer said

" For all we know they can doing it in the other side of the country " Vansh said

" I agree with him " Anchal said

" Noo " they all look at teju " there purpose is to make our country look down so they want to doing in any remote area or a place that's not lots of people "

" Tejasswi is right and we all need to have belief that we can find them if we will behave like this we won't be able to get them ever " Kirti said

" We need to contact the police of every city main police station and ask about the missing people " Karan said

" Yaa atleast we havd to start somewhere " Ahad added

And they all started there work

All got busy in doing calls and writing things down

It was midnight

Teju cut the call and look arround half of them had dozed off in corner's

She saw richa and ahad still busy on a call

Karan kirti and Rishabh making dats base of all the information they had got

She smell coffee and the door open's with ranveer and anchal coming with coffee cups

They give them to everybody and ranveer come to her

" so what's the officer said "

"They said there's nothing unsual there"

" Guyss " ahad/richa  called them out and they turn to them

"Its dehli / Goa " they said again

" How can it be two places " ranveer said

" Well it is two different groups so there can be two places " teju said

" So what are we gonna do now " Rishabh said

" well we are gonna have coffee after it a lil rest we will have this discussion in morning " Kirti said and all nodded

After coffee

They left the sleeping people in the room and move to there respective rooms

Karan and tejasswi was walking hand in hand

Karan was not going home he was staying in his room

" Well if feels likd back to work bcoz we didn't get a single moment with each other " Karan said

" Ohh but i guess we were in the same room could look at each other whenever we want " teju said

" Yaa that's there too "

Teju hugged him and they stand there for few minutes they broke the hug

" okay i m going to my room now " she said turning away but karan hold her hand and pull her to him

" you know its proper three months to the time i first saw you that night and you were walking away like today that time i could just stand and wonder but today i can pull you back to me " karan said and kiss her cheek

She smile and kiss his cheek

Wishing him good night

They both walk to there respective rooms

That's for today

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