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"Hello" Ferine walked over to Kaidou and Nendou, Kusuo's classmates after they landed in the airport back to Japan

"Oh hi! We were curious who you were! You just kinda popped up and came with us" Nendou said

"I'm a friend of Kusuo's older brother. I'll be transferring to your school and he let me stay at his family home here" Ferine said. She even did a little curtsy "The Saiki family will be my host family for the time being"

"So that's why..." Kaidou said

"I'm very sorry. I haven't greeted you since the plane, I'm sorry that Kusuke didn't explain anything to you, it must have been awkward" Ferine bowed to them

"U-uhm! It's ok, it was more of a matter between you and Saiki family anyway.." Kaidou was a bit flustered by her bow "It wasn't really our place, we're just his classmates that went there to surprise him after all"

"But anyway what is the Addams family? We overhead that your from the Addams family in the plane and Kaidou freaked out" Nendou said as Kaidou flinched "He went all like Dark reunion or something. Are you famous?"

"My family name is quiet infamous for various reasons. I'm very proud of it" Ferine smiled at them "You can look it up if you want. I won't mind but one things that is always left out is that were are also one big happy family"

"Well whatever it is, if you're buddies with our buddy the you're our buddy too!" Nendou asked

"That's nice to hear. I will actually be transferring as your classmate in a few days"

"Oh nice! Let's go eat ramen when you come" Nendou said

"Sure" Ferine smiled at Nendou them turned to Kaidou as he flinched "Your flinching.. is quite adorable, it reminds me of my grandfather's brother when he does his electrifying trick. Oh by the way you said dark reunion?"


"I think you're mistaken. I'm not part of any group, but a few of my relatives are. Although they're not called dark reunion, they're called Dark forces" Ferine corrected "It's two different things. The dark forces has that hellish crusade, while the other doesn't"

".....Huh? It's real-"

"Ferine" Kusuo walked over to her "Stop chatting and get your suitcase"


(Time skip) (At the house)

"Ku-chan, I talked to Kusuke before we left, he said to just give Ferine-chan his old room so it's a little bigger instead of the guest room" Mama said "Go and take Ferine to her room. Show her around too"

Kusuo sighed "That guy is kinda obsessive over her, I bet he's doing this to gain her favor or something, I don't really get it but whatever"

"Kusuo" Ferine walked up to him with her suitcase "What are you thinking? Mind sharing your thoughts?"

"...This girl...I can't hear what she's thinking because of those weird sounds. It's annoying and would probably be a nuisance to my dream average life if I'm not careful" Kusuo sighed

"If you're curious to what I'm thinking you can just ask me. I promised to be more honest with you. Don't be shy. Come on now talk to me. Go right ahead"


"Are you thinking if I have powers? I'm just an Addams"

"..Why do you keep talking to me?"

"That's quiet unfriendly of you. We're going to live together so I figured it would be nice for us to get along and have some kind of understanding. If you don't want me to talk to you that's fine too"

Saiki k: Hosting an AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now