Chapter- 2

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Namjoon only stopped when he reached his classroom. His heart was beating crazy fast both because he ran so much and because of....that man. He slid open the door and the same anxiety creeped in. No matter how many times he experienced it, he just couldn't ever get used to so many many eyes. Especially when he's not with Hoseok. His eyes automatically went on the floor as he slowly forced himself to go in. He glanced at the classroom quickly in hope to find his best friend waiting for him but he wasn't there. Namjoon felt so many eyes staring at him. He could physically feel those stares hurting him and he froze. He felt miserable for not even making it to his own class without being on the verge of a panic attack and he was so embarrassed of the fact that how much he was dependent on Hobi. He could make it to this class for the past months solely because Hoseok was always there. He hated to admit it but..He was scared. Just than he felt a Hand on his shoulder and he jerked away out of instinct. He lost his balance and boom..he was again on his ass. Wow.

Seeing Namjoon's reaction the person immediately retreated his hand. He had a worried expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry if I startled you. You were just standing here for so long and you looked kinda anxious so I thought I should help you." The man said.

Oh..he was trying to help him. Namjoon scolded himself mentally for being so paranoid. Not everyone is trying to hurt him. Calm down! 

"I'm sorry for reacting this way.. I was just a bit surprised that your hand came out of no where" Namjoon said finally looking at the person's face. Oh god.. He was beautiful. Why Namjoon kept bumping into such beautiful people and why did it always ended up with him being on this ass? But unlike the man he met in the hallway, this person didn't have an intimidating aura. In fact it was completely opposite. He looked so welcoming and warm and friendly!

"No problem, I'm Seokjin by the way. You can call me Jin" the man said extending his hand to help Namjoon get up from the floor. 

"Nice to meet you Jin, I'm-"

Just than Jin was shoved away by someone. That someone was Hobi. 

"Namjoon! What happened? Are you alright!?" Hoseok grabbed Namjoon off the floor. Panic and worry was dripping from every word he spoke but it quickly changed into a mix of anger and protectiveness as he addressed the stranger he just pushed away. 

"What the fuck do you think you were doing!? You son of a bitch how dare you push my joonie-" Hoseok's hand went to grab Jin from his collar.

"No! Hobi! Calm down!" Namjoon tried to loosen  Hoseok's grip on Jin's collar. "He was just trying to help me! I fell on the ground and he was just helping me get up!"

"Oh-" Hoseok immediately let go of Jin turning to Namjoon, mouthing a silent scream that looked like "WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THIS BEFORE?" 

"Um.. you did not ask. You just came in and pounced on Jin" Namjoon said trying his best not to laugh on his best friend's embarrassed state.

Hoseok was so embarrassed! Thinking "How could he ever face this man" Hobi turned around to clean the mess he had created. 

"Look, I'm-"

And of course the professor had to come in the class at that exact moment. How do these teachers have such perfect timing?

"Everyone, please take your seats" the professor announced.

Hoseok looked at the person..what did Namjoon call him? Jin? 

Jin didn't looked like he was offended or bothered by what just happened. Instead he... smiled at Hoseok and went on his seat.

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