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It was completely dark outside now. The moon was in it's full glory, shining brightly. It was beautiful, the night sky, the moon, the stars, everything was beautiful.. except the situation Yoongi got himself into. He was determined to complete his mission within the span of next 24 hrs. He had everything planned out. It was supposed to be a foolproof plan, nothing could go wrong, except the fact that there was a hurt college boy in the front seat of his car whom Yoongi was driving to the Hospital. Yoongi was frustrated by the fact that he could've simply not came here and could've saved himself shit loads of trouble which now that bitch Jimin is going to put him through. But.. at a teeny tiny corner of his heart, he was also.. glad that he came and relieved that he wasn't too late. Yoongi shook his head aggressively hoping to get rid of these weird thoughts and feelings. This was not at all like him. It's all because of this boy. The boy he didn't even property met yet is already changing him in the worst way possible. He looked at the sleeping (maybe unconscious) boy...Namjoon. His head was leaning on the glass window, the soft light of the moon highlighting his features beautifully. He was tall, probably taller than Yoongi but right now, he looked so small. So vulnerable. He was so innocent he couldn't even hurt an insect to save his life, completely opposite of Yoongi who was a..Monster. 

"You know you should keep your eyes on the road while driving"

Yoongi was quickly pulled out of the daze by Namjoon's quiet voice. When Yoongi realised that he was staring at Namjoon he snapped his head towards the front, on the road. Fuck! What the hell was he doing!? 

"How are you doing?"

"Fine..just feeling a little light-headed"

"You weren't sleeping?"

"I was, but your intense stare was digging a hole on my head" Namjoon said, leaning further towards the glass. 

Yoongi's ears were burning hot now. What is this kid doing to him.

"I was just checking your injury. Can't have you die in my car."

"Mhmm" Namjoon was smiling softly. His eyes were still closed. He seemed so relaxed. This boy literally got a panic attack just by watching a man getting strangled, and he was doing perfectly fine riding in a stranger's car at night while his phone was completely destroyed. 

"You're not scared?"

"I was"

"Right now?"

 Namjoon slowly opened his eyes to look at Yoongi. His gaze was so soft but it made Yoongi feel so weird and.. uncomfortable.

"Should I be?"

This question left Yoongi speechless. He shouldn't be though. It was crystal clear that Yoongi was pretty dangerous person. He basically kill people for a living. He had done horrible thing to others, he had tortured others in unspeakable ways and he worked for one of the most dangerous man of the city. Of course Namjoon should be afraid of Yoongi. He should be..but.. would Yoongi hurt him? It was frustrating that he was hesitating while answering such a simple question. Why couldn't he say yes?

"You've bled too much. Go to sleep. I'll wake you up when we reach the hospital."

The rest of the ride was completely quiet. Namjoon actually felt asleep this time and Yoongi was emersed in these deep thoughts about himself, and his little brother.. and Namjoon.

On reaching the hospital, Yoongi parked his car and got out of the car. He needed to get away from the boy. He couldn't afford to feel whatever the boy made him feel. He tapped loudly on the car in attempt to wake up the boy. He'll just drop him off here and than go away. He's not a babysitter, he has much more important issues to sort out. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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