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Warnings- This chapter contains minor violence, manipulation, suicidal topics, and attempted rape.
Please proceed only if you're comfortable and again- Read the tags.


Yoongi dashed out of the room where his worst nightmare just became a horrible reality. His mind racing so fast, going through all the ways he can amend his mistake and make sure his little brother is free from this hell. Should he just kill the boss? Can he do it? What if he fails? What else-

"Hi there Yoon Yoon"

This sound that Yoongi recognised immediately belonged to the person he hated the second most in his entire life.

"Fuck off, asshole"

"Whaaaat? Here I thought my Yoon Yoon was hurt so I came to console you. You're so cold to me" The small man said sighing dramatically.

"You want to help me that bad? Than why don't you let me kill you real quick, Bastard." Yoongi scoffed, continuing walking down the hallway.

"Oh the amount of cute nicknames you give me. Someone might mistake us as a couple Yoongle baby."

Yoongi took out a small, hand size knife from his pocket and threw it backwards, towards the man without even sparing him a glance.

"Meh you trying to kill me with your knife is becoming so boriiiing." The man said, catching the knife between his index and middle fingers. " This way you'd never be able to kill even me, let alone the boss Yoon Yoon"

Yoongi finally stopped to face this man who was getting on his nerves and making his exhausted mind more tired. The small man stopped in front of Yoongi too, a content smile on his face.

"Listen to me Park fucking Jimin. I am not in the mood to keep up with your bitch foolery right now, so if you want me to not hurt you in the most painful way possible, you better not show me your face for atleast a week now." Yoongi glared at the short man with venom in his eyes. Yoongi was very intimidating. Even on a normal day, when he's not this frustrated, Yoongi's glare could easily intimidate people and make them submit to him. And right now, he literally had blood eyes and murdering look on his face. But even after this, the small man in front of him did not look a bit fazed. Instead he was smiling, laughing at Yoongi's pain and weakness and that made Yoongi to want to do anything to rip that smile off this little bitch's face. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. He can't waste his time on worthless people like him. He has far more important shit to do. Ignore him.

Yoongi turned around after shooting a final glare at the man.

"Aw you're leaving the party already? The fun part haven't even started yet!" Jimin dramatically whined. When yoongi didn't stop he added with a smirk "Why are you even in such a hurry? Can't wait to see that little bitch of yours you took the blame for?"

Yoongi's steps halted. What? How did he- NO! He couldn't have known! He shouldn't-

"Gotcha! Haha" Jimin said slowly making his way in front of Yoongi. "I know what you're thinking! How does he know!!!? Right?" Jimin said playfully "Well let's say I was kinda there, um..making sure that you do your job properly? Yeah let's say that. I mean I DEFINITELY WAS NOT STALKING YOU. or maybe I was, who knows" he said dramatically covering his face with his hands.

"I don't know what you're talking about. That man escaped and I'm not that big off an asshole like you that I'd leave a dying kid alone."

"Oh please Yoongi, stop with this bullshit. We both know that you're skilled enough to be able to very easily stop that old man from escaping. And that kid wasn't gonna die. And let's say even if he WAS dying, why did you care when you never did before? Isn't the mission supposed to be the most important thing for the mighty Yoongi?"

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