Nightmare or Memory

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(Luna's Pov)

She knew this wasnt real. She had lived this nightmare many times over.

It starts in a dark room. Cement walls and floor. No windows. Only shuffling noises and screams behind the metal door.

Luna was 10, her body covered in scraps and cuts and purple brusies. Every breath she took hurt. Why were all the adults so mean and scary.

All she had on was an oversized shirt that was filthy at this point and her hair was all matted. She didnt know how long she had been in this room but it must of been ages. It felt like years.

She winced and curled up more when the door was shoved open. Big hands came out of the blinding light to harshly grab her and drag her down a never ending hallway. Her vision goes black and she can feel her breath.

It took seeing this nightmare quite a few times for her to realise she had a bag over her head. She couldnt see but she would feel hands on her going up and down her body. Made her want to be sick. She could hear muttering the only words she could make out sounded like numbers and then someone in a deep tone says deal.

Her mind went fuzzy as the next part of the nightmare took form. She was laid down on the thin mattress in the attic of her adoptive fathers house a black form over her grabbing her face telling her to scream as he slapped her.

She was jolted from her dream by someone shaking her, her hearing came back first hearing rose crying. As her eyesight focused she saw a tall form over her the room too dark to tell who it was.

Her body went into into autopilot and she screamed in pure terror as she throw her body to the side without the figure and ran hiding in the walkin closet curling up in all the clothes trying to make herself seem small as she cried and covered her ears repeating quietly to herself.

"I have been good dont hurt me"

(Bruno's POV)

He had just finished a workout in the gym downstairs. He grabbed his towel downing his water as he checked the time. 3am. He normally wouldnt work out this late but his grandparents visit through off his times.

But it was his day off now. And he wanted to spend it getting to know his little sister and his neice. He sighed running his hand through his hair as he began to climb the stairs. As he walked past Lunas room he heared sniffles and whining.

Probably rose he thought stopping infront of the door...
Maybe he should go check and then luna could sleep more.

He slowly opened the door peeking in, rose was in her crib and luna was in bed. He made his way over to rose carefully and picked her up.

She kicked her legs happy at the attention. Bruno then looked over to Luna, she was pale and sweating and twitching in her sleep.

He knew you shouldnt wake people up from nightmares but she looked in pain. He placed rose down who started crying.

He gently shook Luna trying to take her.

Lunas eyes snapped open as she panted and then screamed. Before bruno could figure out what was going on luna had ran into her closet and was hiding.

The twins and Giovanni all ran in with their guns drawn.

"Whats going on." Their father said as he put away his fun and picked up rose shushing her.

"I think luna was having a nightmare, i had some to check on rose and luna looked in pain so i tried waking her. She screamed and ran into her closet hiding"

Giovanni nodded slightly as he bounced rose and sighed.

"Ill take rose into my room for now. Give luna some space if the nightmare is a memory having men around may make it worse." He said glaring at the twins, sal had grabbed her pillows and Antonio was carring her blankets.

" ... we will be quick and quiet.." Sal said looking away.

" its 3am and she will be tired when she calms down" Antonio argued.

Giovanni sighed and waved his hand for them to hurry up.

The twins slowly went into the walkin closet spreading out the blanket and pillow looking sad as they would hear Luna's paniced begging.

They quickly and quietly left the room.

Bruno sighed to himself and went to his room. He punished his wall scraping his knuckles.

What did that bastard do to his sister.

He couldnt forget the fear in her eyes and in her scream. She was so scared she ran and hid without checking on rose. She wouldnt do that unless she was terrified.

He sighed running his hands through his hair. He know his father said she would tell them what happened as she settle but he needed to know.

He grabbed his phone calling Tony -their best and most loyal gaurd.

"Tony its me. I need you to go to texas. Yes it work... i need you to found out everything about what me soster went through. And dont tell my father." With that he hung up.

He needed to know. He wanted to help her. He needed to know just how bad her nightmares could be. If she was abused so bad she would have flashbacks.

He needed to know.

He sat on his bed and then got out a small box from his nightstand. Inside was a charm bracelet. He got it after work for Luna.

Bruno being the oldest was always sent away when other gangs caused trouble. He knew how hard it was to be without family. So he got luna a charm bracelet, with 4 heart charges with the names, dad, Bruno, Salvatore and Antonio. And a small star chsrm with the name Rose on it.

He had hoped that this would in someway make her feel at ease, that she has a family now.

He placed the box down and laid on his bed closing his eyes. All he could do is hope that his little sister would slowly get better.

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