First day of school

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(Sam's POV)

He had served dinner for giovannis family and then headed up.

When he got in Tony was just finishing up dinner with Stella stood next to him watching closing.

He smiled softly at the calm family scene.

He placed down his keys as he carefully hugged Tony from behind. He placed his chin on Tonys shoulder watching him.

Tony smirked slightly shrugging his shoulder making Sams head bop.

"Go sit down dinners almost done and your handsome face is distracting me"

Sam laughed slightly kissing his cheek as he sat down.

Dinner passed without issue, Stella even had seconds.

Sam had just finished his shower and pulled on some pj bottoms getting into bed next to Tony.

He fell asleep hugging Tonys side as Tony liked to read before bed.

(Bruno's POV)

It was 5am when he woke up. He got up and changed into his workout clothes before going to their home gym

He stopped when he could hear the talking from the living room. Getting closer he knew it was Lunas voice and Rose was giggling.

"Your both up early"

He smiled walking over to them

"I c-couldnt sleep and r-rose woke up"

Luna explained softly as she nuzzled roses cheek softly.

"I see well.. i have something for you "

He smiled and went to his room quickly coming back. He sat by luna handing her the small box.

Luna slowly opened it and held up the braclet using a finger to move the charms to read them.

"We cant actually go to school with you but we can in spirit"

Luna smiled softly as she hesitated but then softly hugged Bruno.

Bruno felt a warm feeling in his chest as he softly hugged his sister.

"How about an early breakfast ? You didnt eat much at dinner"

Luna nodded slightly and followed Bruno into the kitchen.

Bruno made her some waffles and gave Rose a bottle as Luna ate.

Soon it was 7.30 and everyone else was up and just waiting for luna to finish getting ready. Giovanni was going to drive her to school and make sure Blake was there to walk her in.

(Luna's POV)

She came downstairs in a black skirt and a pink long sleeve top as well as some black tights and pink trainers. Her hair was down and she had a pink backpack.

She had done her best to look nice concidering how many people would see her today. Even though she had on tights she had put concealer on the more noticable scars on her legs.

She looked up seeing her brothers and her father staring at her.

"You look amazing bambina"

Giovanni said smiling as he handed Rose to Salvatore.

"Ready to go ? Got everything ?"

Luna nodded, she had textbooks and notebooks as well as her phone in her bag

"We and Antonio got you a few things"

Sal said as Antonio held up a shopping bag, luna went over gently taking things out. One was a little flip book full of question responses like yes, no, i dont understand or more spesific im hungry or i want to go home. The other was a landyard with a badge attached that said 'speaking is hard sometimes.

Luna looked at her brother tilting her head.

"Well after the last hm.. episode we noticed when your remembering hmm bad things ? You find it hard to speak so we thought these might come in handy"

Luna smiled softly and held the flip cards close to her chest

"T-thank you"

It was the first time someone had thought enough to plan ahead for her.
Soon she was in the car with her father.

When they pulled up to the school luna gripped her bag slightly seeing all the people going inside.

"Right all your teachers know that you have to go early to avoid the crowds. I packed you a lunch incase theres nothing you like and Bruno will be picking you up and he will be Rose with him so you can see her as soon as schools done."

Luna nodded along with Giovannis words and looked to the school enterance as the crowd thinned a little.

Blake was waiting by the school gate. He had on black ripped jeans, a faded band shirt and some black trainers.

"Now if you want to leave early just call me."

Giovanni gently kissed her forhead and stroked her hair


Luna nodded and smiled softly

"I will d-dad"

She then got out the car and made her way over to Blake.

Blake saw her and jogged over to her smiling

"Hey i already got your stuff from the office, they put you in my home room come on lets go"

Luna nodded slightly following Blake. As they walked through the halls she felt a lot of eyes on her from both thw girls and the boys.

The girls looked almost jealous looking at her and blake while the boys where scanning her body making her hug herself and wishing she had brought a hoodie.

Blake stopped infront of a classroom

"Here we are home room, ill show you your locker at lunch time this way you dont have to push for a seat"

Luna nodded nervously as she held onto his sleeve a little following him as he went inside.

Luna kept her head down and followed Blake to the back sitting down next to him. He was sat in the corner but after seeing Luna flinch when someone walked behind her he quickly switched so she was in the corner and he was on her right.

Soon the teacher arrived and everyone went quiet.

"Right class we have a new studant with us today. Luna please stand"

Luna nervously stood up her legs shaking slightly.

"Class this is Luna Costello. She just started today, i expect you all to behave and treat her kindly."

The teacher said waving his hand for Luna to sit back down which she quickly did. She could hear everyone whispering about her. She shrank back into her seat zoning out until she jumped feeling Blakes hand on her shoulder softly.

"Ah sorry but homerooms finished in 5 so we have to walk to your next lesson"

Luna nodded standing. She froze seeing some of the class looking at her, blake put his arm around her shoulders and used his body to block their view slowly walking her out the class room.

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