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(Giovanni's POV)

He was begining to get worried. Luna wouldnt be late but it was coming up to the 10 minuetes they had agreed on.

He was about to go look for her when he saw a boy sprint past him and into the admin office. He was carrying rose and rose was crying.

He grabbed the door before it had chance to close.

"You gotta help a girl just feel down the stairs and shes coughing up blood!"

The receptionist looked up at the boy and sighed.

"Another one of your pranks Blake ?"

Blake gritted his teeth as he clumbsly tried to calm Rose.

"No its not a prank you have to call an ambulance."

Giovanni spoke up from his position by the door.

"Concidering he has my granddaughter, you will call an ambulance right now. You boy take me to Luna."

The receptionist nodded in fear picking up her phone and blake quickly started walking. After what felt like forever they got to the stairs that lead to the roof.

Luna was panting and sweating trying to keep her eyes open as she had managed to turn her head onto the side. She was still coughing up blood.

(Luna's POV)

Everything hurt. She couldnt move the most she could do was turn her head to make sure she wasnt choking as she coughed up more blood.

Her vision was started to fade as she heard what sounded like her father. Everything happened in a blur soon there was what she was guessing was paramedics loading her into an ambulance.

When she next opened her eyes she was in a hospital room.

She groaned feeling pain and then jumped slightly feeling a hand hold hers.

"Its okay baby its okay"

It was her father looking sleep deprived sat by her side. She nodded as best she could as said in a scratchey voice.

"R-ro-ose ?"

"Shes okay, shes with your brothers"

She nodded again weakly and closed her eyes.

(Blake's POV)

He should of just handed over the baby. He relised that now but it was too late.


He was holding the baby as the girl got loaded into the ambulance. He had learned from the older man their names where Rose and Luna.

The older man who he was guessing was Luna's father looked at him handing him the baby bag.

"My sons will be here soon to collect my granddaughter. Hurt her and you will regret it."

And with that he got into the ambulance and it drove off.

For the next 20 minuetes he sat at the reception desk holding the baby. She had began to fuss so one of the receptionist had made her a warm bottle that he was now feeding her.

Rose was half way through her bottle when two tall dirty blonde men walked in. They both b-lined for Blake and Rose.

They started asking a thousand questions about him and why he had rose.

"Wait hold on. Luna had an accident and had to go to the hospital. The scary guy said i gotta watch her. And how do i know your his sons i mean you looks scary and you certainly dont look like you can take care of a baby."

He said as he looked the two up and down. They both had on work out clothes and one of them was covered in tattoos.

The two men looked at each other and then to Rose. She was drinking her milk with one hand clutching onto Blakes top.

"Fine we are Antonio and Salvatore Costello and since Rose seems to like you. Your coming with us."

(End of flashback)

Now he was sat in the Costello house with a sleeping Rose on his lap. Sure Blake was a problem child. His mother had her own bakery and his father was an accountant.

His parents where always busy so he rebeled but never to the level he thought he would be involved with a family like the Costellos.

He softly rocked Rose as he looked up seeing Antonio come in and sit by him.

"So Blake right. We just got a call saying Luna's awake. Once rose lets go you can go home."

He said nodding to Rose slightly who was still holding onto Blakes top.

"... no offense but are two of the cosstello mafia scared of waking and upsetting a baby ?"

Antonio look away slightly

"I dont want to upset my niece whats wrong with that."

Blake nodded slightly as he sat back.

"Luna is going to be going to your school when shes healed. Your going to watch her back."

"H-huh why me."

"Oh because Blake Shen. I can find out everything about it. I can also make that securety tape look like you pushed Luna. "

Blake gulped slightly and looked down.

"Ill watch out for her as much as i can but i probably wont be in the same classes."

"Thats fine. Just make sure she isnt hurt. If any of the other studants find out about Rose they may bully Luna for it."

Blake looked down at the tiny baby who was now awake staring at him. She giggled when she saw Blake looking at her.

"I wont tell anyone and ill make sure no one bullys her."

Salvatore smiled leaning against the door that lead into the kitchen having been watching them.

"Good. You will find co-operating with us means good things for you and your family."

Blake nodded slightly and sighed running his hand through his hair as he wondered just what he had gotten himself into.

He thought back on the incedent, he just wanted to know why she was on the roof. And why she had a baby in school.

If he had known she would of been so scared she fell down the stairs he would of kept his distance and introduced himself properly, and now he was involved with the Costellos.

Well at least he would only be protecting one of them from school bullys...

And deep down he didnt mind so much.

Luna was kind of cute.

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