The Beginning of it All

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Friday morning, all I hear in my house is music, I look at my clock and its 9 am; I hear laughter and finally realize that today is my birthday. I've never really liked celebrating my birthday because of the incident with my parents that happened on this "joyful night." 
It was at about nine or ten o' clock at night. It was cold, raining, and really windy. The day was showing a lot of storm signals, but anyway, I hadn't seen my parents for about an hour after my party was finished, I was wondering what they were doing, so I called. One phone call, two, three, seventeen, and the numbers just kept getting higher. At this point I was getting worried so on the twenty-third call my mom finally answered;

"Hello, mom where are you?"

"Oh Crystal, I was really glad to see you had fun at your party, but then I realized I didn't get you a present, so I'm here at...guess?!"

"Uhh are you at hot topic?"

"Nope, one more try!"

"Uhh Toys r Us?"

We both started laughing.

"No silly, but you wish!"

"Haha mom seriously where are you?"

"I'm here at the box office getting you...wait for it...BRUNO MARS tickets!!"


After I was done screaming my lungs out, drying my tears, and breathing again I hear my parents laughing.


"We lo..............."

That was the last I heard of their beautiful voices, now every time I think of them my heart breaks all over again. I think of the sound of joy that will never be apart of my life again.

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