Chapter 13

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After spending a good eight hours at the hospital after doing a long night shift, Kahmunrah was one could say was knackered. But, there he still stood trying to put his son to bed, he was about to bring out the big guns if Ahkmenrah didn’t pack it in.

“Ahk, bed. I will not tell you again” 

“Kah, I’m fine” 


“Fine, can Nick…?” 

“Yes, he can stay but any noise and if you disobey my rules. No Nick for the next week” Kahmunrah warned, Ahk could only nod despite being 19, he knew he had given them all a scare. Even to the point Dr McPhee took some convincing from both Kah and Larry to go to work, the two explained that they would handle it. 

In the End, the two settled on Nick staying with Ahkmenrah while the two went out to do their shift. Normally they would rotate but after Nick’s insistence, Larry took Kah away before he strangled the younger men. Ahk could only smile cuddled up in Nick’s arms while the two watched a movie, Nick smirked down at his younger boyfriend. Bearing in mind Nick was 22 but he didn’t mind the small age gap but Kahmunrah did and they had to abide by his rules while he was in, he never said anything while he was out. 

However, Nick wasn’t risking his boyfriend's heart. Yes, one of the effects of turning human meant the brothers had suffered side effects and one major one was Ahkmenrah had a weak heart and could catch diseases easily with his low immune system. Another reason why Dr McPhee and Kahmunrah made sure the place was tidy and clean all the time, every week they would dedicate a day to cleaning for Ahkmenrah’s health. On top of that, Ahk had to be careful and wash his hands wherever he went. Nick had suggested taking him to the zoo which was shut down quickly by Larry especially in the winter months that were due soon. Speaking of which, Ahk had explained it was time for him to go back and not delay the return to the museum anymore. 

So, Larry and Nick devised a christmas party for the night ‘actors’ which Dr McPhee agreed to knowing there was an extra surprise for the Egyptian King and Queen who were always worrying for their youngest son. Merenkahre had seen through Kahmunrah’s lies but he never asked, knowing Kahmunrah got very defensive over his baby brother. The topic hardly got brought up. 

The two miniatures had forgotten what being tiny was like as they were mostly found in their 'gigantic' form that Jed nicknames. In other words normal size, Octavius surprisingly without the armour on was smaller than Jed which the cowboy didn't mind knowing the roman could take down individuals twice his size as he had proved it by beating all four Huns in a hand to hand battle. 

"Let's get this party started!" Jed yelled, Octavius could only smile watching his partner throw the bone for Rexy and use the toy car with the remote control. Octavius never fully relaxed after the incident with the Egyptian brother, always on guard but Jed had other ways to make sure he relaxed. 

Larry could only smile watching the exhibits dance and have fun, he was beside a yawning Kahmunrah who was leaning against the pillar. Lancelot was beside him, flirting as usual. The knight tried to get Kahmunrah to drop his guard but the older Egyptian wasn't in the mood, nope he was more bothered about his brother. 

A ping on both of their phones alerted Larry and Kahmunrah to their news. Kahmunrah walked away from Lancelot yawning as he went. He ignored many of the dancing exhibits as he walked for the entrance only to unlock the door. In stepped two individuals, Nick was clearly spotted from his leather jacket and messy hair while Ahkmenrah had his brother's hoodie on again. The two were wearing jeans and looking happy. 

Only a few were in the lobby by this point and they were the most important ones. 

"Ahkmen?" Shepseheret’s surprised tone had all the attention drawn to the Egyptian queen who basically ran over only to pull her baby into her arms. Ahk could only smile wrapping his arms around her, he felt another presence only to see his father who pulled him close. Ahk held onto his father knowing this was a rare occurrence. Once they pulled away, he instantly noticed their lack of jewellery. It seemed they didn't see the point in wearing it. Ahk could only grin as another father figure came into view. 

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