The Dream Wedding

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Chapter 3

Tamera's POV

The animalistic growl echoed into the night. My grandmother and I gazed in horror at the unknown creature standing in front of us. The beast's mustard colored eyes were locked on to us. Its sickening grin made my stomach turn. Its razor sharp teeth flashed brightly due to the car lights.

"Floor it," I spat venomously. This sick fuck was the reason behind my parents' murder. I wanted him dead! Grandma threw me a quick glance before nodding. She tightened her grip on the wheel before slamming her foot on the accelerator. The car roared and sped down the road. The creature's eyes widen and quickly jumped out of the way. I watched as it dodged the car. Its eyes were on mine the whole time. My heart dropped as I saw its lips move.

"See you soon."

I felt my body go cold. He was going to find me and take me with him. I gripped the car door in fear. Something told me I wasn't going to win. This freak of nature was going to find me one way or another. I mean he was Satan's fucking child!

"I know what you're thinking." Grandma said quietly. She didn't turn to look at me. Her eyes were still on the road. Tears were threatening to fall. I didn't want this fiend to murder my grandmother too. I don't have anyone in this life except for her.

"Grandma," I breathed. "I don't want this sick jackass to kill you too." I cried hysterically. The tears were unstoppable at this point. I was petrified and confused. My parents were gone because of me. Now, my grandmother might be this demon's next target. I would rather suffer then let him or his freaky minions murder her too.

"Listen to me Mara," Grandma yelled. I wiped my tears as I listened to my grandmother. I smiled at the nickname. She was the only one who called me Mara. "You're my granddaughter and it's my duty to protect you. Now if this cocksucker wants you then he's going to have to deal with me first."

I cracked a smile as I heard her call the creep a cocksucker. She grinned devilishly at me which made me laugh. Grandma and I curse like sailors but that's what we do. We swear at everyone and everything. I grabbed her hand tightly and told her how much I loved her. Even though she was smiling, I could see how afraid she was. No matter how hard she tried to cover it. I could see it.

"I hope we lost him." She whispered before speeding down the road. For some reason, I was still wishing that this was some sick dream and I was going to wake up anytime soon. Without thinking, I pinched myself hard.

"Motherfucking shit that hurt!" I cried as my thigh began to hurt. I whined loudly while rubbing my thigh.

"Jesus Christ Mara! Why the hell did you pinch yourself like that?" scolded grandmother with her eyebrows raised.

"I thought I could wake myself up." I mumbled as I rubbed my thigh. I was slightly embarrassed by my actions.

"You're not dreaming moron." Grandma stated while shaking her head.

"I wish I was! I mean the devil's fucking bratty son wants to make me his fucking Cinderella of Hell! Next thing I know I'm gonna popping out this dickhole's freaky babies!" I sputtered as I thought about the douchebag. I placed my face in my hands and let out huge sigh.

"Go to sleep kiddo, I'll wake you up when we get there." Grandma whispered. I wanted to ask where we were going but I was too exhausted. A nap did sound good right now. Maybe I could escape into my dreams for a bit. I leaned against the car seat and drifted off to sleep.


For some reason my face felt hot. I cracked open one eye and saw that it was the bloody sun that was burning my face. I opened both eyes and notice that I was still in the passenger seat. I was about call out for my grandmother when I realized something. I was in a complete different outfit. I was dressed in a wedding gown.

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