The Missing Grandmother

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Grandma Betty's Picture 

Chapter Four 

Tamera's POV

I kicked open the car door and frantically began searching for my grandmother. After what happened in my dream, I couldn't take any chances. The new location threw me off. I honestly had no idea where I was. I gulped down the fear that was rising up my throat. For some odd reason, I was in the woods. I desperately glanced around for some kind of clue. Why would grandma just leave me in the car like that? Something must've happened. Just then I heard twigs snapping. I felt my eyes widen as I realized that I was in deep shit. Someone was watching me. I could feel their eyes on me.

What do I do?

What the hell do I do?

Should I jump in the car and lock the doors or should I run?

Now, I could hear footsteps. I snapped my head toward the direction where the intruder was. There were a familiar pair yellow eyes gazing at me.

"Oh no," I whispered, I took a step back and I felt the car press against my butt. I could feel my teeth chattering as the eyes continued to stare. It's Blackheart and he's literally going to take me to hell.

"Stay back!" I warned but I knew it had no effect. He knew that my warning was laced in fear. I had nothing to threaten that monster with. I pressed my body against the car and kept my eyes on him. I started moving toward the side.The yellow eyes followed me as I moved. I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I had no plan and I knew this was it for me.

"Please leave me alone!" I begged, the tears began rolling down my cheeks. I just wanted to find my grandmother. I needed to know if she was okay. I wiped the tears away with my sleeve but I never once took my eyes off him.


I was about to plead more but his cynical laughter stopped me. I couldn't help but shiver at it. The laughter of a monster was probably something I never thought I would ever hear. Every hair on my body was standing up. He suddenly stopped laughing. It was all quiet. That's when I heard twigs snapping again. He was moving toward me!

"Get the hell away from me! Don't come any closer or I swear-"

"Or what?" the voice hissed back.

I was thrown back at the snarky comment. I didn't have any weapon nor was I some kind of supernatural creature. I was just an ordinary, human girl with dead parents and a missing grandmother. He was right. What could I possibly do to him?

"You don't want to find out bitch!" I screamed. Just because I was weak doesn't mean I have to give up. Maybe I can poke his eyes out with my nails or punch him in his dick. Does he even have one? 

"Oh but I do want to find out! I want to see why my dear brother is so in love with you," the voice answered sharply. "Personally I think you would make a good bitch."

He started moving around in the forest. I could hear the leaves crunching under his feet. I glanced at the car and then quickly looked back at him. He was too busy ranting about his brother. The passenger window was open and inside was a gun.

God bless you grandma.

"Humans are just repulsive. I bet your so called god just created you fuckers when he was high. If I had the power, I would never create you weaklings! Actually I take that back! I would use you and your disgusting species as my servants! " the voice barked.

I saw his eyes shift so I knew this was my chance. I slipped my arm through the window and grabbed the gun.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the voice chuckled.

I froze at his words. He knew that I had a gun in my hand. This was it. I was going die at the hands of this psychotic supernatural creature. His cold hand clutched my throat and lifted me off the ground. I started gagging as he tightened his grip. I still had the gun in my hand. I tried to get a good look at the guy. He had white blonde hair with these hate filled yellow eyes that gazed into my soul. I quickly glanced away and cocked the gun. His eyes widen in realization but that didn't stop me. I aimed the gun right under his chin and fired. The freak screamed in pain and released me. I jumped up and sprinted deeper inside the forest. Something told me that didn't do the job. I probably had a few minutes to run before he catches up. I ran through the unknown woods without looking back. Where was I even going?

That's when I heard the sound of a car. There was a road nearby. I jogged toward the noise and found myself on a road. I thanked the lord quietly in my mind as I saw a truck speeding down the road. I waved my hands in the air like a mad man. The truck noticed me and slowed down. The driver rolled his window down and greeted me with a smile.

I scanned his appearance for anything weird. He didn't look like a serial killer that raped women so maybe I was safe. He was around my dad's age. He had dark brown hair with a few grey strands. His eyes were light brown with wrinkles surrounding them. He was dressed in a plaid red and blue shirt with dirty jeans.

"Hello ma'am, you seem lost."

"Uh yeah," I mumbled shyly before glancing around for the freak. He might be up and looking for me. "Can I get a ride?"

The driver nodded and unlocked the car door. I got in and examined the woods once more. Was he watching me? The driver threw me a smile before driving off. I eyed the speed-o-meter and cursed silently. He was going only forty. 

"So what is your name lovely?"

I gave the man a hard look before answering his question.


"That's a nice name," the man said politely and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "I'm Daniel Richards but my pals call me Dan or Danny."

"Oh okay," I muttered and glanced down at my feet. I bit my lip harshly so I wouldn't shriek in fear. There was a dead possum on the seat floor. Dan probably saw my face because he laid a hand on my shoulder. I shook his hand off my shoulder and gave him a nervous smile.

"Sorry about that," he explained before grabbing the possum and throwing it in the backseat. "I wasn't expecting to pick up a hitchhiker today."

I made a disgusted face before nodding at the man. I despised hunters honestly. I didn't understand how people could kill innocent animals. I sighed and looked at the side mirror. He wasn't following us. I was safe for now. 

"Yeah well thanks for giving me a ride." I told him kindly.

"It's no problem but why are you out here?" Daniel asked before shooting me a curious look.

"Some guy attacked me in the woods and now my grandma is missing." I explained sadly. The only person in the world that I cared deeply about was gone. I don't know if she's dead or alive.

"Well I can tell you that your grandmother is fine and that Roman is going to be severely punished for what he did to you."

I could feel my heart drop as I heard those words. My mouth was hanging in shock. My eyes were wide in fear. I slowly turned toward Daniel Richards who gazed at me with yellow eyes.

"Hello darling."






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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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