Black Heart's Attack

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Tamera's Pic ^^^^^

Chapter 1

I drove down the road in peace. The sun said its last goodbye before sinking down. It's beautiful colors fading away as it went down. I let out sigh as I stopped at the red light. The music was playing softly in my Honda Accord. The windows were down letting the cool breeze invade my car. It felt good. My fell against the seat, my eyes closed for a moment. I was having those days again. Those days where I didn't feel right. It's odd because on these days the strangest things happen to me. Things that haunt me forever. Worry took over me, what if something is wrong? The traffic light flashed green letting me know that it was okay to pass. Feeling anxious, I sped down the long road and all the way to my town house. I quickly drove past the neighborhood sign that said "Welcome to SpringBurg" in bold letters. My eyes spotted the last white town house, I pulled into the driveway and hoisted myself out. After slamming the car door shut, I jogged toward the house. I pressed my ear against the door to hear any movement or voices. Why was I acting this way? It honestly is very strange, every time I get this feeling I just snap. Terror takes over me and I start acting crazy. I lifted my shaky hand toward the golden door knob, I twisted it open and let myself in. My eyes scanned the dirty living room looking for something or someone. Suddenly, loud screaming began coming from upstairs. The one screaming was a female and the one yelling at her was a male.

"It's just them again." I sighed.

They were fighting again, I guess it was this that made me uneasy. Without thinking about another minutes of that, I strolled into the kitchen to help myself with something to drink. I searched the fridge hoping to find something calm my thirst when another piercing scream interrupted me. This time it came from both of them. I bolted upstairs without thinking, I slammed the master bedroom door open which belonged to my parents. Horror stuck me as I saw my parents lying on their bed. Their eyes were wide in fright, their mouth hung open and their skin pale white. What scared me the most was that the blood was coming out of their chest. I couldn't see if it was a cut or gun shot since they both had their hands on top of their wound. Gathering my guts together I approached my dead parents, my hand made contact with my father's dead body. I lifted his hand off only shriek in terror.

My father's heart was ripped out.

What was strange was that color of blood where his heart once was black. It looked like he was bleeding black! I grabbed the phone from the phone set that was on my parents' night table. I was about to call 911 when a knock interrupted me. Someone was at the front door. Without thinking, I rushed downstairs and slammed the door open. There stood my grandmother. What was she doing here? I noticed that her face was pale white and her eyes wide.

"Tamera, where is your mother?" grandmother asked in concern, my lower lip began to quiver and I pointed my shaky finger toward the stairs.

Grandma followed my gaze and almost ran upstairs to see if her daughter was okay. I quickly followed her behind still weeping about my parents. I could hear grandmother gasp horror as she saw her dead daughter lying next to her dead husband. More tears began falling down my cheeks, I looked at grandma who was shaking. Her face held an emotion I couldn't detect. I placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort.

"Are you okay?" I whispered tightening my grip on her shoulder. Her eyes never left my parents, she shook her head.

"I'm going to call the cops then I'll get you some water." I told her, I took my hand off her and turned around only to be spun back around to face my grandma.

"NO! You can't tell anyone about this Tamera!" she whispered furiously, I raised my eyebrows.

"My parents just died, I need to call the cops." I hissed back completely bewlidered that she just that. Her grip tighten around my shoulders.

"You can't, I'll explain everything to you after we burn the bodies." Grandma said after letting me go. I rubbed my arms and looked at her like she was crazy.

"Tamera, please....just trust me." Grandma said, her eyes begging me to understand. I bit my lip thinking if I should.

"Alright." I whispered soflty glancing at my parents then at her.

"Come here." she ordered, I slowly walked over.

She began messing up my hair and then lighting a match so she could burn the ends of my shirt and jeans. She did the same to herself.

"Do it quickly." I whispered holding back my tears.

Grandma nodded sadly before walking toward her large tote bag. She pulled out a small gasoline can and spilled it all over my parents. I could see tears running down her cheeks as she did. She flicked the match on my parents, I looked away as I saw the flames run all over my parents. Grandma grabbed my elbow and lead me outside from the back door. We slid out and call the cops. I could see other people from town houses running toward us. The sirens began getting closer, finally I could see the cop lights flashing. The police and firemen began asking us if we were okay. We both nodded and grandmas told them what happened. She lied basically. The cops didn't suspect a thing and then left us after taking my parents. After a while, people slowly returned to their homes leaving me and grandmother. Now that I had no one, I was going to leave with my grandparents. I slid into her old car and she began driving us to her home.

"Now are you going to tell me or what?" I asked.



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