4 | Tell them

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TW: selfharm


He didn't freak out. He was the first one to ever see them. "Those are too old to be caused by him and those are too fresh" he mumbled. He grabbed something and started cleaning them. It hurt but not as much as it could've. He bandaged them up.

"Kiara, those are self-inflicted. Old and new but not one matches the date of the incident" he started talking. Doctor Torres grabbed my hand gently.
"I need to tell your brother about this. You're dangerous to yourself. These aren't just paper cuts. There's slashes, deep cuts and even cigarette burns" he stated. "Not to mention the amount, timeline and the fact that I'm pretty sure this isn't all of it" he seemed worried.

"You do know how easy it is to slit a vein or a blood vessel..." he said. "You are not telling my brother" I answered. "Kiara please, you could kill yourself. It's my job to make sure you're alright and you're not" he tried to convince me but I didn't give up.

He can't tell Alex. He would freak out. Lock me somewhere, tell the others, tell Elijah. I can't let him tell Elijah. Or Caleb. They would break. Dylan would break too and Chris. Poor Chris. He would blame himself for Carl. They would think it's their fault.

"You promised" I say. "It's for your own good" he tried again.

"NO! Don't tell me what is good or what is not! I know you think I'm mental or stupid but I know what I'm doing! I tried to slit my wrists and it didn't work. So if I can't do it by wish how would I do it by accident?!" I yelled at him feeling tears running down my face.

"...Kiara, it could always be you who tells them" he said seemingly trying to ignore what I just said.

"I don't want to send you away somewhere because I know you're scared of exactly that but trying to slit your wrists in other words is a suicide attempt. And those are dangerous. You could die" he said, joking with the last part. He has gen Z humor. I appreciate it.

"Fine I'll tell them but you keep your mouth shut" I say to him. "No you're telling them now and here and I'll be right there with you so you can't wiggle your way out of this" he said determined. I frown. He smiles at me and presses some button telling the nurse to send my brothers in.

I could feel myself starting to shake. He noticed that. "Hey, it'll be alright. You're strong. You survived all of that. You can survive telling your brothers" he said. I sigh. Oh if he knew it all.

Caleb was the first one in. Elijah after him. Then Chris, Dylan and finally Alex. He didn't seem too worried. Great!

"Hans?" Alex questioned. He looked at me and started talking. "The damage is very harsh but hopefully will heal, it will hurt and it will take a lot of time though" he said. Alex stared at him to continue. "The overall body check revealed some bruises" he said looking at me.

"Is that it? What are you hiding?" Alex started to get a bit angry. "Kiara seems to be very capable of telling you the rest, aren't you?" he said giving me a chance to start. I didn't. I just stared at the ground.

"What is it Kie?" Caleb asked. Doctor H seemed to be running out of patience like the rest of them but I didn't day anything. I didn't even breathe. I was scared of making a sound.

"Kiara breathe for God's sake, you'll pass out if you don't" Chris said. I didn't. He was right. I started to feel dizzy. Torres caught on to my anxiety and quickly handed me an oxygen mask. He held it to my face and told me to breathe. I finally did.

"I found a lot of scratches, cuts and burns on her body. Old and fresh. Self-inflicted" he said. I froze. He promised. Fucking asshole. My eyes filled with tears and my body with fear. I jumped up but that was my mistake. It all went black. It was quiet again.


Doctor Torres caught Kiara as her eyes rolled back and she fell. Elijah ran over to help her. They put her on the bed thing and put on the oxygen mask. The nurse attached some machine to her and I got worried. Usually when somebody faints they wake up at touch with anything. But she just stayed unconscious.

Then I had time to think about what the doctor had told us and it hit me. I guess it hit everybody else too as we all had the same face expression.

"She hurts herself?" Elijah asked quietly. Doctor Hans nodded. "Where?" Alex asked with anger filling his voice. "I only saw wrists and stomach but I'm pretty sure it's all over her body" Hans responded. "I cleaned and bandaged as many as she let me but some of them are still without" he continued.

I felt my heart break. Why didn't they start with that. According to the doctor the cuts and burns were much older than the incident was.

I was about to ask him about it but the nurse came and whispered something to him. His eyes darkened and he walked over to Kie. Grabbing her chart and after some examination he wrote something down.

"Alex, does she have any problems with food?"


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